Last thing

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The final A/N

So the end hurts me to write, but I was wondering, do you want me to release the sequel now, three days from now, or a week from now?

And this last part I wasn't going to publish, but I guess I will. Here are all her blessings

• Zeus~ flying and control of the wind.

•Poseidon~everything Percy has, earthshaking, pulling bodily fluids from her opponents body, control of violent sea storms, the whole package.

•Demeter~control over grain, and speeding up the growth of plants

•Hera~Hera can summon Hydras/Dragons, so she gave Callie a partner, a 4 foot tall dragon named Cleo, cousin of NightStriker13 's character Asomi dragon Destiny. But Cleo only shows up in times of need, so she's not always there.

•Artemis~ gives Callie a crescent moon bow. Can only be used by the power on the shining moon, so at night.

•Athena~Battle Strategy.

•Aphrodite~Emotion changing glare

•Hermes~Can teleport, but is like Nico's shadow travel, it uses almost all of her energy.

•Dionysus~Can cause confusion in mortals

•Ares~Can master any weapon with little practice.

•Hephaestus~Immune to fire

•Apollo~Prophecy bits. Can see what see wants, can't hear anything, but can't see the whole story. Can not give prophecies

•Hades~Can summon dead sailors, so it's a Poseidon/ Hades thing

•Hestia~She can protect mothers/ fathers with demigod children. So, she can protect the whole family

Callie Jackson; a Percy Jackson fan fiction; Book 1✔️ Where stories live. Discover now