chapter 5

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Camila's POV 

"Camila !!!! wake up or you'll be late for your first day" my dad screams at me " alright im going " i yell back at him. I get dressed and walk downstairs " alright im ready lets go " i say but i can't find my dad " okay baby girl i need you to close your eyes " i hear him say but i can't see him " umm okay but why?" " just do it trust me you're going to like this". i do as he says and close my eyes i feel him come behind me and he's taking me to the front of the house " alright open your eyes "  i hear him say. i open my eyes to see this beautiful red mustange "oh my god " is all i could say " do you like?" my dad asked " like it i love it !" i tell him " thank you so much i love you daddy " he just looks at me and gives me the key to my new car . " alright get out of here and get to school on time " he tells me " yes daddy" i say and get in my car and drive to school. i get there right on time i start to walk to the building and everyone is looking at me but it's fine i guess it's cause im the new girl. i walk into the office asking for my class schedule i say thank you to the lady and walk out of the office and head to my first class which is photography this gonna be fun. i walk into class and since im the girl i don't know anybody here so i just go to the back and sit by myself with my earphones in and listening to Ed once again . i was listening to kiss me when somebody taps my shoulder i turn to see these beautiful pair of green eyes "hey im lauren " she says " hey lauren im camila im new here' i tell her she's so pretty like woah she just woah she asked me if i knew who i was gonna have lunch with i told her the truth i was gonna sit by myself but then she invited me to sit with her and her sisters i just smiled at her she also said that she will show me around she's so sweet. i told her thank you once again after that the rang and our teacher started telling us what we would need after she was done she let us talk turns out lauren and i have a lot in common which makes her perfect the bell rings before i can ask her for her number so we could text . we walk out of class and i check my schedule.  i have math this gonna be so easy . 

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