chapter 10

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Lauren's POV 

We kissed Oh My God she just made me the most happiest girl alive. we stay at the beach for a little while just sitting on the sand while she sits inbetween my legs and im playing with her hands we watch the waves and i can't help but smile this is the best day ever "hey you wanna get in ?" i ask she turns and looks at me "how?" she asks me "like this " i say picking her up and taking her to the water "no lauren don't drop me " she says " i won't " i say then a huge wave knocked me off my feet sending both of us into the water we both couldn't stop laughing she jumps on me and i hold her she look stright into my eyes and kisses me i smlie into the kiss "come on lets get out " i say she nods her head and i pick her up again and take her out of the water. i look down at her and i see that she is smiling at me "what "i say smiling "oh nothing "  she says i let it go we get to the car and i put her down we sit on the hood of her car drying off " hey camila " i say "yeah lauren " she says "would you go out with me on friday?" i ask "as in a date " she asks " yeah a date" she smiles at me and kiss me "im taking that's a yes " i say smiling "of course it's a yes " she say we get off her car since we're pretty much dry and get into her car and she takes me home i tell her where i live and we get there like 30 mintues later "do you need to go home " i ask not wanting to leave her side "not really i could stay for awhile if you want " i smile and she turns off her car and we head inside my house "woah your house is huge!" she says "yeah it is pretty big i do have a big family" i say and take her hand leading her into my room " do you want to wear something of mine so i could wash yours ?"i ask  "please im getting kinda cold " she says i nod my head and turn around to open my closet i give her my lana del rey t-shirt and some sweatpants " where's your bathroom " she asks "it's right there " i say she turns back to me " you have your own bathroom" "yeah all of us do " "lucky" she says i just laugh and she goes to change once she done i call one of our house cleaners to take camila's clothes after that she sits on my bed and i put on some ed sheeran "you like ed sheeran" she asks "who doesn't" i say she smiles i sit down and i get an idea i stand up and take her hand making her stand and we start to dance she just smiles at me the whole time by the time we stop dancing it's late " i should get going " she says i pout and say "fine" i and walk her to her car before we get outside my house cleaner comes with camila's clothes "here you go miss lauren" she says "thank you jackie" i say and she walks away camila and i  walk outside  and to  her car " i'll see you tomorrow " she says "of course beautilful " i say while opening her door for her "goodnight lauren" she say "night love" i say and give her a kiss and she gets in drives away i walk back into my house with a smile on my face "have a nice day?" i hear my mom say " the best "i say and walk into my room and fall asleep with a smile on my face 

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