Chapter 35

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Lauren's POV 

(sexy times in the chapter)

FINALLY !  we're home all i want is to climb into bed and knock out , i turn off my car and turn to camila she was dead asleep , i sigh and get out i walk over to her side and open the door and carry her out i close the door with my foot and take her inside i lay her down on our bed and i change her clothes and put her in her PJ's , after i dress her i get into my pj's and lay down next to her she instanly cuddles into me

I  wrap my arms around and pull her closer , i hear her release a sob "camz , what's wrong ?" i ask her she just buried her face into my neck "baby what is it?" i ask her again starting to get worried , she lifts up her head " we did a good thing right?" she says tears rolling down her cheeks I feel my own eyes start to water "yeah Camz we did " I say pulling her closer to me she sniffles "then why do I feel like this " she says laying her head down on my chest

I let my tears roll down my cheeks and kiss the top of her head "it's cause we loved them , you were right to give them back to their parents " I say "we'll have kids of our own one day " I continue "really?" she asked " of course camz " I say " I love you LoLo" she says closing her eyes " I love you too Camz" I say finally falling asleep

The Next Day Camila's POV

I wake up the next morning in empty bed but I hear Lauren singing in the shower as I get out of bed I hear a noise come from downstairs , I take in a big breath and I notice a unfamiliar sent  ,  I open the door of the bathroom and rush inside " Lauren there's someone in our house" I say she jumps at the sound of my voice "oh god camz you scared me " she says " baby there's somebody here " I say

Lauren turns off the water and gets her robe , I hear a noise coming from our bedroom making me jump , Lauren puts her finger to her mouth "shh" she says we stay quite " they're human , it's two men , they're robbers " as she says this the bathroom door was swung open "well look what we have here Zack " this man in a red hoodie and black Jeans says walking into the bathroom " I'd stay back if I were you " Lauren says "and what are you gonna do if I don't?" the man says stepping closer to us "you really don't wanna find out " I say the man chuckles and takes a knife out of his back pocket " you see this " he says playing with the knife in his hands " I could easily cut your throat" he says Lauren giggles " and I could easily rip your throat out " Lauren says showing off her fangs

the man drops his knife "wha-" he stuttered " yeah let's skip to the part where you run before I rip you to pieces " Lauren says chuckling I walk over to her side "where's your partner?" I ask knowing he's not alone but the other man was nowhere in sight the man turns to me "I'm alone " he tries to lie "I know you're not " I say walking to our walk in closet "he's just a kid don't hurt him " he says i open the door and see a sixteen year old kid crying his eyes out "please don't hurt me" he says i pick him up and lead him towards lauren and his father "get your son and get out " lauren says the man nods his head "why were you robbing from us ?" i ask he looks down as if he was ashamed of what he was doing "i have to feed my family somehow " he says 

I look to the boy next to me "is this true are you homeless ?" i ask him he nods his head tears rolling down his cheeks "be a man son , men don't cry " his father says "a man can cry he's a child of course he could cry if feels like it " lauren says the boy clears his throat "we've been homeless for two years now and i was walking by here one night and notice that you guys had money so i thought you would'nt miss anything you had " he says

i look to lauren and mentally ask her if i could give this family my old house it's now under lauren's parents name and they said we could whatever we wanted with it  , she nods i smile and let the boy go and walk over to my nightstand " here" i say handing him the key "what's this ?" the man asked " it's a house my old house you won't need to pay for anything the house is fully stocked so there's food , water and anything else you need " i say "why are you being so nice to us? , we just tried to steal from you ?" the boy asked confused " we're not monsters and my wife has a big heart just take the key" lauren says 

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