chapter 13

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Camila's POV 

Three Months later

It's been three months since i moved back to miami everything  would be perfect if it wasn't for my dad's drinking. he was doing great at first but now he's out of control and im starting to worry. it's friday night im currently with lauren at a park by her house "baby" i say "yeah camz " she says "im scared " i tell her and start to cry she runs towords me and hugs me and i bury my head in the crook of her neck she knows what im talking about but i don't know what  it is about today that i feel as if some thing bad is gonna happen she keeps on telling me that everything is gonna be okay and i hope that she's right "hey camz let's go to the beach " i look at her smile and nod my head. she smiles and kisses my forehead "come beautiful" i blush she still makes me like crazy every single day since we've been together i couldn't ask better girlfriend. we walk to her house and she opens the car door for me and i give her a kiss before getting in the car when she gets in i smile at her " i love you" i say and she smiles so big and kisses me "i love you more" she says and starts her car. as we're driving to the beach i turn on the radio and connect my phone  i didn't remember that i was listening to "from this moment"  i was gonna change as soon as i heard it "no don't i like this song" she says as soon as it starts she starts singing it word for word i just listen to her sing cause it calms me down. we get to the beach  just as the song finishes she turns off her car so fast and runs to my side and opens my door and just to carry me out of the car bridal style she puts me down on the sand and runs back to her car puts the song on again runs back to me "may i have this dance" she says i smile "yes you may" i say and i wrap my arms around her neck and she wraps her around my waist and we danced for what seemed like hours. since we live in miami the weather is bi-polar one second it's sunny then next thing you know it's raining. Lauren and I look up she laughs " this like a scene from a movie" i look at her "but better " i say she looks down at me and kisses me i smile into the kiss and wrap my arms around her neck she pulls back biting my bottom lip. "come on lets go back"she says we walk  back to her car holding hands she opens my door and i turn around and kiss her once again and get in she comes in and drives to her house.

30 Mintues later

we get to her house and we see her family outside "what's up guys" she says "camila we are so sorry but your father has been in an accident" i hear her dad i could feel my eyes starting to burn i couldn't believe this not him he's the only family i have left i turn to lauren and start crying my eyes out she hugs me and starts to rub my back. i start to calm down "babe can you take me to go see him" i ask her " of course baby" she said she got the directions from her dad then we got in the car the drive to the hospital wasn't long we got there under 20 mintues when we got there  i went to talk to some lady " hi im karla cabello im Alejandro Cabello's daughter " i say she nods her head and  tells me a doctor will come talk to me shortly i nod and walk back to lauren and sit on her lap "it's okay camz im here " she says and i start to cry once  again "karla cabello?" i look up to see a man calling me i get up walk to him lauren following me " yes" i say he looks at me with sad look "im so sorry miss cabello but your father had lost too much blood we tried to revive him but he didn't respond" he said i couldn't even talk so i just nod my head before he leaves i stopped him" wait what happend to him " he turns and walks back to me "he was drinking and driving he lost control of the car" he said i stopped him and said thank you i turn around to face lauren she just opens her arms and i run into her she wraps her arms around me and i start sobbing she picks me up and takes me to the car we drive back to her house " I can't believe he's gone " i say. Lauren parks the car we get out  but i stop and fall to my knees it was raining again i look up and scream "why!" i feel lauren come behind me "come on camz i know what it's like to lose your family " i hear her say i turn around and hug her she holds me for what seems like forever "come on baby let's go inside" i nod and stand up "no come here " she says i looked at her confused she got up and picked me up "i love you baby" i say she kisses me "i love you too camz " and she takes me up to her room and puts me down "why don't you go take a nice hot shower while i go make some dinner for us " i nod my head i go take a quick . after my shower i walk out of the bathroom and i see rose petals on the floor i get dressed in some pj's and walk downstairs i see a note on the counter " hey babe i know today has been horrible but i hope this would cheer you up follow the petals i follow the petals outside it has stopped raining i walked into the wood behind their house and see this huge tree house which was actually a house and i see lauren standing in front of it "hey " she says " hi " i say with a smile and my eyes wide "what is this?" i ask "this is my house i do live with my parents but i always wanted my own place so my family helped me build this place " she explains i walk to her and wrap my arms around her neck "so what are we gonna do here" i ask "anything you want " she says "lets have a movie night " i say "perfect i already have the pizza here" she says my eyes go wide "what are we doing down here my pizza is gonna get cold" i say runing but stop cause i can't find the door "babe where's the door ?" i ask i look at her and she's pointing up "would you like a ride up ?" she asked she starts to walk towords what looks like an elevator which i think is imposible but i guess it's not cause it's an elevator i walk over towords her she slides the door open and we walk in it takes us up and she opens the door to the house and it's amazing it's better then her parents house "woah " i say "come on this way " she says i follow her to this big room with a hugh tv and a huge bed  in it "what movie do you wanna see?" she ask me "can we please watch the lion king " i say "of course babe anything for you" puts in the movie and we lay on the bed. after the movie we lay there on the bed cuddling. this day was horrible but lauren was there for me the whole time i fell asleep with her arms wrapped around me 

Bitten • Camren🌞🌚Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora