chapter 16

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Camila's POV

Oh My God it's my birthday , i get out of bed and notice that lauren isn't there i wonder where she is i walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth. after im done i walk into the bedroom once again and there's a note on the bed "come to the backyard" is all it said . i put it down and walk to the backyard i see this huge banner that says " Happy Birthday Baby" i have this huge smile on my face and then lauren walks out from the side of the house holding a rose she walks towards me "happy birthday camila" she says i smile at her "oh god babe you didn't need to do this you could've just taken me out to eat or something and it would have been perfect cause im with you" she smiles and kisses me "that what normal people im not normal and my girl gets whatever she wants on her day " she says.  i know i have tears in my eyes god nobody has ever done something like this for me "come on we gotta go i got something for you back home " she says "what is it?" i ask "it's a suprise " she says and picks me up and starts running "we're here now go up and put on the outfit i have for you" she says putting me down i run to the up to the house and get in and go to our room on the bed there's one of those shirts that says "im hers " with one of mickeys glove i wonder where she's taking me and then theres some high waisted shorts and my black converse.after i walked outside and see that lauren is wearing the samething as me but she has black i waisted shorts and mine are white and her converse are white "can you guess where we're going?" im comepletly clueless i don't know i guess the look on my face with the look on my face she knew that i didn't she smiles "we're going to disneyworld!" she say my eyes go wide and i jump up filled with exciment "woah" lauren yells i open my eyes and look around i see im up in the air "holy shit LAUREN!!!" I scream "im coming babe " she yells back at me and she jumps and she in front of me "it's alright babe it's just one of your powers there's no reason to freak out " she tells me "babe how do i get down !" i ask scared she takes my hands in hers " okay baby calm down breathe " i do as she says and start to calm down "alright how can i get down ?" "babe you're already on the ground" but i wouldn't open my eyes "baby open your eyes" she says i open one eye and look around i open both my eyes "i did it!" i scream she smiles "hey now you know that you have powers and more to come" "really?" i ask she nods her head "come on let's go disney is waiting" she says she picks me up and starts to run again we get to disney and my eye go wide once again "come on i rented it out so it's just us " i look at her " are you serious !?!? you did all of this just for me " i say my eyes start to get watery "oh god baby ugh i love you so much " i say kissing her with all that i am she smiles into the kiss she pulls away our foreheads are against each other  "anything for the girl of my dreams "  she says "god i love you so so so so much lauren " " i love you too camila" we pull away and walk hand in hand into the park.

*In front of cinderella's castle* Lauren's POV

alright so we're in front of cinderella's castle now and in less then a mintues the fireworks are gonna come on "alright baby come here" i put her in front of me "look up " i say and she does "and count with me " i say she nods her head "one ..two ...three" we say then the fireworks start at first it was just random ones but then the ones i had made were about to come on "oh my god you didn't" i just smile while she looks at the the last two were my favorite it was all pink and it read "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAMILA !" and the other one was red and pink and it said "I LOVE YOU ~LAUREN" she turns around in my arms i see she has tears in her eyes " oh lauren i love you so much " she says hugging me " i love you too camz " i say she looks beautiful yet so tired "you wanna go home?" i ask her she nods her head "alright come on" i pick her and started to run home on our run home she fell asleep in my arms i take her inside and put on her pj's on her and i did the same i walk back into our bedroom and she not in bed anymore "camila!" i scream "im up here " she says i look up and see that she's stuck again "a little help please " she says i smile and jump up and bring her down "hey you wanna go on the roof ?" i ask "we can do that "she asks "of course we can " i say i put her on my back and climb the side of our house and get on the roof "woah " she says since we live in the woods where there's less light we could actually see the stars "this is why i like it out here " i say i sit down and she sits inbetween my legs "and now i have another reason to love it " i say she turns around "and what's that?" she asked "you" i say looking into her eyes she smiles and kisses me. after that we watch the stars and end up falling asleep under the stars

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