chapter 15

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Lauren's POV

it's been about two weeks now since camila has turned, she lives with me now in my house in woods. we dropped out of school cause she couldn't control herself yet but she is getting better at it just last night she actually made it through a whole meal without wanting to kill someone. she's also becoming a very good hunter she took down two alligators by herself last week."hey baby" she says "hi babygirl what'sup?"i say she comes and sits down on my lap and wraps her arms around my neck "can we go somewhere anywhere like just us " she asks i actually have a suprise for her since her birthday is on friday i was gonna take her to disneyworld cause she's never been there before "alright babe where do you wanna go" i ask her "lets go to italy " she says with a smile "alright babygirl do you want to go on a plane or do you wanna me to take us there right now " she looks at me with a confused look which i find very cute i stand up with her in my arms and start to run i get us to italy under two mintues i put her down "how did you do that ? she asked me "it's one of my powers i superspeed superstrengh and i could control people but i bearly use my powers " she just looks at me with her mouth open "how come i don't have any?" she asks me "well camz you're only a couple of weeks old we won't know until later " i tell her "oh so where we gonna stay?" i start to think i know we have a house here i just don't where so i decide to call my dad "hey dad where's our house in italy " we talk for a little he tells me to look after camila "alright it's this way " i say i take her hand in mine and we start walking to our house unlike our other house this one is smaller but it still fits our family we walk into the master bedroom and i put in monster inc . camila ends up falling asleep in my arms after a while so do i .

Next day

Camila's POV

I can't believe im in italy i've always wanted to come here it feels like a dream i turn around to see lauren is still sleeping i put my head on her chest " i love you camz" i hear her say i smile she's sleep talking. i left myself up and get on top of her "baby " i say "mhmm five more mintues" she whispers. i lean down and start kissing her neck "mmm camz " i bite her weak spot "okay im up " she says "good morning babe " i say putting my head up "that was the best way to wake up" she said i smile "hey how about later on tonight i take you on a date " she says "how about we stay here and have nice dinner " i say she smiles "how about we make pizza" my eyes go wide "yes! " i say with a smile "alright lets go to the store to buy the things we need " she says i nod and get off of her to get dressed. once we get dressed we walk out and there's some guys standing by our house "sguardo merda santo a quella ragazza lei è così caldo" i hear on of them i say i don't what he said but he keeps on checking me out which is starting to bug me "indietro stronzo è mia vattene fuori di qui prima che calci in culo" i hear lauren say "woah that was pretty hot i didn't know you spoke italian " i say "we stayed here for a couple of months and i picked it up pretty quick " she says wraping her arms around me "vieni qui baby vieni venire succhiare il cazzo e magari se sei una brava ragazza ti fotto" some guy screams" Vai a farti fottere fottuto stronzo" lauren screams back at him i feel lauren being pulled from me "baby!" i scream i see the guy throw her i see lauren standing up and punching the guy in the face i see some of his teeth fall out  she jumps on him and starts to punch him until he passes out "che sempre cerca di fare quello che ha fatto finirà morto non scopare con me e non cazzo toccare la mia ragazza!" lauren screams and walks over to me picks me up and takes me to the store we buy what we need and go back home . we get inside and i see that she's bleeding "baby come here" i say "what's up " i left my hand up and touch her forehead "you're bleeding" i tell her "oh it's from that damn guy " she says "sit down " i say and she does and i go to the kitchen and get some paper towel wet it and go back and clean her forehead "that asshole " i say under my breath but she still hears me and smiles after im done cleaning her forehead she wraps her arms around me and kisses me i smile into the kiss i pull away and she just smiles at me and i can't believe that she'e mine i can't believe this beautiful girl is mine i love her so much it scares me but i know she loves me too and won't do anything to hurt me "i love you camila " she says i smile " i love you too lauren" i say we stay in each others arms until i remembered that we were gonna make pizza "come on babe let's start making the pizza" i say "alright babe " we stand up and wake to the kitchen i get the stuff out of the bags and lauren starts with the dough i started to cut up some mushrooms and pepperoni after im done with that i go to get the flour i pour into a bowl i turn to look at lauren and decide to have some fun "hey baby"say getting her attention "yea"she says turning around and i thorw some flour on her i start to laugh "camz you better run " she says my eyes go wide and i start run around the kitchen lauren is right behind me "come here camz!" she gets closer to me and graps me pulling me to the floor with her on our way down the bowl with flour fell all over us "ewh " i say i could feel lauren laughing i get off her and start to pout "oh come on baby it was funny and you started it" she says and i look away from her she wraps her arms around me "come on baby i love you"i smile and turn in her arms "i love you too " i say and wrap my arms around her neck she leans down and kisses me i lick her bottom lip to deepen the kiss i jump and wrap my legs around her waist and she puts me on top of the counter she jumps on the counter and gets on top of me her hand comes to my neck i put my hands on the bottom of her shirt about to take it before "lauren!"someone yelled while banging the door she looks up and theres another bang "ugh" i say she smiles down at me and gives me a peck on the lips before getting off of me i get off too and we walk to the door "LAUREN OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR RIGHT NOW!" she opens the door and this women walks in a kisses lauren but she pushes her off "what the fuck " lauren screams "who the fuck are you" i say "im lauren's girl" i couldn' t help but laugh "you're so funny im lauren's girl" i say lauren comes behind me and wraps her arms around me i could kill this girl without trying "you're cheating on me" she says as if she was heatbroken "we were never together !"lauren screams "but lauren i love you" she says "abby i never loved you i never even liked you you just had a crush on me when we were in school please move on i have the love of my life she's my girl not you im sorry i know this hurts but please move on there's a girl out there for you somewhere you just haven't found her yet but she's out there i've found mine i'm very happy so please leave " lauren says i smile "fine im sorry for my actions i'll leave now " abby says she walks out and lauren locks the door and turns around "what are you smiling about" she says "im the love of your life "i ask she walks "yes you are babe " i kiss her "you're mine too" i say "lets go shower " she says i nod my head we walk to the bedroom and start undressing i could feel lauren's eyes on me so i decide to give her a little show so i start to take off my shorts really slow bending just little showing my ass i see her  eyes go wide "you are so perfect" she says  i giggle and walk to the bathroom "you coming " i say i get into the shower first "hey beautiful " she says "hi " she pulls me closer to her "i love you" she said i turn around in her arms "i love you too so much LoLo " i say and kiss her. after our shower i wear some of her pj's and she put in breaking dawn part 2 which i love i jumped on the bed and she cuddled up to me and we watch the movie until we both fell asleep forgetting about the mess we made downstairs and everything the happend today

Bitten • Camren🌞🌚Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora