Chapter 36

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Camila's POV

I was sitting on the roof letting the sun hit me as If could warm up my cold skin still I was enjoying the heat "Hey Mila can I join you !" I hear ally yell up at me "sure thing Allycat!" I yell back , She climbs up and sits next to me "Mila I wanna Thank you" she says "What for?" I ask her playing dumb but I knew exactly what she was talking about "Mila don't play dumb I know it was you who turned Mike" she said " I'm sorry I went against your wishes Allycat but you were dying and Mike was gonna die without you at least that's what he kept saying" I say

"it's okay Mila I'm not mad at you , you did something for me that I couldn't have done myself , you're the best little sister anyone could have" she says hugging me " hey what about us " ally and I turn around to see Mani, Dinah , and Lauren "you guys are pretty great too " ally says "yay " they say and jump on us

"hey let's go to the beach " dinah says we all nod our heads and jump off the roof "hey babe" Lauren says grabbing my hand "yeah LoLo" I say she just looks at me with a smile on her face I blush and look down "what is it?" I ask her "nothing you're just so beautiful" she says and kisses me "Yo ! Camren Let's Go !" Dinah screams from Ally's Jeep

Lauren's POV

We all came down to the beach it's such a beautiful day today , The sun is shining and the waves aren't as strong and there's a nice breeze, the beach itself is kinda empty. Camila and I are laying down under the umbrella while everyone else is in the water "Lauren we gotta get out of here " Camila says standing up

"hold on baby what's wrong?" I ask her bringing her back down to my lap "he's here " she says "who is ?" I ask looking around "the wolf who attacked ally" she says , shit we gotta get out of here we stand up walk towards the others "we gotta get out of here now !" I scream everyone rushes out "what is it Lauren?" Dinah says "we got to get ally out of here " I say instantly Dinah picks up ally understanding why "Dinah and Mani you have to take ally and mike to our house in Italy" I said I could smell the wolves and we're completely out numbered

"the rest of you pack your things fast and run to Italy don't slow down for anything , Camila and I will go back and get mom and dad " I say everyone one nods and we run our separate ways ...

Camila's POV

We get to our families house and find it completely trashed the couch was ripped open , the tv was smashed , most of the Windows were broken , their was glass all over the floor "Mom ! Dad !" Lauren screams but no one responded to her

I feel my phone start to buzz it's Dinah " what's up ?" I ask her "you guys gotta get here now mom is hurt bad " she says "okay " I say and hang up "Lauren your mom is in Italy " I say walking into the kitchen where Lauren had gone , I walk in and see her on her knees I walk up to her and see what she was holding,  she had her father in her arms.

He looked just like ally did but we were too late to help him , I fall down to my knees as well he had become like a  father to me as well

"I'm gonna kill them" Lauren says with Venom in her voice I've never seen her this Angry before "every last one of them I'm gonna rip their heads off and I'll drink their alpha dry " she says picking up her father and putting him over her shoulder and grabs my hand and we run to Italy


Hello Beautiful People ! I hope you enjoyed this chapter :-) please tell me What  you think and I love you guys , I hope you have a great day or Night and I'll see you in the next chapter ;)

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