chapter 26

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New years eve Lauren's POV 

I wake up when i hear camila scream my eyes fly open and i run into the bathroom "camila what is it " i ask her "i'm up here " i hear her say i look up and there she is stuck on the ceilling "baby what happended ?" i ask her smiling she points to the floor i turn my head to see what she's talking about and there next to shower door was this huge spider i scream and jump on top of the toilet "camila come here " i say but she shakes her head "no baby that thing is huge kill it!" "come here i'll carry you out of here and i'll get James to kill it " i say she nods her head and moves towards me i get her legs pull her down and i carry her out the bathroom "James !" we scream "what " James says coming into our room scratching his head "what is it why did you have to wake me up so damn early " he complains "there's a huge as spider in our bathroom kill it " camila says James nods his head and goes to our bathroom "you guys are afriad of this little guy "james says coming out of the bathroom petting the spider "ew James kill it '' we say "nah i'm gonna let him go there's no need to kill this cute little guy " he says and walks out , i shake my head and smile "okay you?" i ask camila she nods her head and sits down on the bed , i walk over to her she wraps her arms around my waist , i smile and look down at her i lean down and kiss her i feel her smile into the kiss god i'm so lucky "baby i want a puppy " i giggle "you want a puppy " i say and she nods her head "can we get one please "she says giving me  her puppy dog eyes i smile at her how can i say no to that face i nod my head and kiss her again "alright we'll get a puppy , do you wanna adopt one or go to a pet store ?" i ask her "i wanna adopt one baby " i smile and nod my head "alright babygirl let's get dress and go puppy shoping " i say and she jumps out of my arms to get dress i giggle she's so cute 

Camila's POV  Animal shelter 

we're getting a puppy i'm so happy there's so many cute little pups here i don't know how we're gonna choose they're all so cute "hey babe look at these guys " lauren says i walk over to her and see these two golden retrevers  "oh my god baby they're so cute !" i say the lady that was showing us the pups comes to us " these two are twins they were found in a box by the everglades and one can't be without the other their names are Charlie and Jack " She says i turn to lauren giving her my puppy dog eyes "please baby they're so cute and you know i'll take care of them and we could take them for walks in the woods please!" i say she looks at me and back at the pups then she turns to the women "we'll take them " she says the lady smiles and i jump "yay ! " i say and hug lauren " i love you baby " i say and kiss her "i love you too and i kinda wanted them too so we're both happy and i wouldn't want to separate them look at them " i turn my head see charlie and jack sleeping charlie had his on jacks back and they looked so cute so i took a picture of them and sent it to ally and everyone else they texted me back saying "hurry up and come home !" i showed lauren and she laughed "i'll be right back with the papers you need to sign they got their shots already so after the papers are sign you could take them home " she said smiling and walking away , lauren and i talk for bit before the lady comes back with the papers and and two leshes she opens the cage charlie and jack are in and the pups wake up waging their tails "here you go this is jack " she says giving him to me "and this little guy is charlie "she says giving him to lauren "can you take a picture of us " i ask the lady she smiles and nods her and i hand her my phone i stand next to lauren and we make kissy faces at jack and charlie the lady giggles and takes the picture and gives me back my phone and we sign the papers and head back to lauren's car "oh my god baby look at them their happy " i say looking at the pups in the backseat she smiles and we go to a pet store to buy some dog food ,food & water bowls ,toys and anything else our little guys needed we get to our house and everyone is outside we smile and get out of the car Lauren gets Charlie and I get Jack "Everyone meet Charlie and Jack " I say and everyone comes running to us to look at our little guys after everyone got to play with the pups we took them inside and feed them "hey baby do you have the tags?" Lauren asked me I nod my head "sure do babe " I say handing her over the dogs tags she puts on Charlie's and I put on Jack's i lay down on the floor and jack and charlie attack me with kisses i start laughing and i could hear lauren giggling , she taking pictures of us and our dogs when we hear people counting down we look at each other i look at my phone and realize that it's new years eve "holy shit i completly forgot that it was new years "  i say " holy shit it is " lauren says laughing we lean in closer "3 ...2 ...1! happy new year!" we hear people say and she leans in the rest of the way and kisses me i smile into the kiss we kiss for a couple of seconds until charlie and jack start licking our faces we laugh and kiss their foreheads we tie them up and take them to the main house to say happy new years to everyone else we walk into the house and everyone is dancing to bachata we smile and let the pups loose and  we start dancing i mile up at lauren "what " she says smiling down at me " i love you lauren this as been the best year  of my life you're the reason i smile everyday you show me you love me everyday just by saying that i look nice or that im the most beautiful person ever but for me that's you babe you are the best thing that has ever happend to me i can't wait to marry you " i say and she smiles and kisses me , we dance the night away in each others arms this been the best year ever and it's all because of her 


Hello awesome people once again im sorry for not updating but i was problems with my laptop i hope you guys like this chapter and i hope everyone had an awesome christmas and new years ! i'll update soon love you ! see ya in the next chapter! :*

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