Chapter 37

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Lauren's POV (Italy)

I'm gonna kill all of the members of that damn pack NO ONE MESSES WITH MY FAMILY! , Camila and I just got to Italy it's completely dark out and we're walking to our house

I open the door and hear my brothers and sisters crying , I walk into the living room holding my father's lifeless body in my arms "NO!!!!!!" Ally Screams and runs to me taking him out of my arms "No Daddy" she says

ally was the first person he ever turned she sets him down on the floor and crys onto his chests "where's mom " I say "Lauren you need to calm down" Noah says walking towards me "where is she Noah" I say "she's gone LoLo , she's gone" he says I fall down to my knees

I can't believe I lost the people who basically raised me as their own child  tears start to flow down my cheeks I feel Camila wrap her arms around me "let's go say goodbye" Camila says helping me up I nod

"she's in their bedroom" James says , Camila and I make our way to their bedroom I open the door and see my mothers body on their bed

there was blood all over the floor and on the sheets  she was laying on I walk in and kneel down I take her hand in mine and kiss it "I promise we'll avenge you and dad " I say standing up and kissing her forehead

We walk back to the living room I sit down on the couch and Camila sits on my lap "listen we have to kill that pack " I say "Lauren we can't" James says "yes we can and we will they killed our parents the people who showed us how to live off of animals instead of humans they loved us each and everyone of us and we have to avenge their Deaths " I say "exactly " Dinah and Ally say "alright " everyone else agreed and we started to plan out our attack

No ones POV

What the young vampires didn't was that they had a rat in the group hearing absolutely everything


I know this a very short chapter but it was in my head and I had to write it , I hope you like it and I would love to hear what you guys think as always I love you guys and I hope you have a great day or Night and see ya in the next chapter;)

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