Chapter 2

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The day after that she met Rose, one of the vampires that had kidnapped Elena when she went to see Damon for a certain book he would have in his possession. She forgot to ask about it when she saw what the vampire looked like. She had been bitten by a werewolf the day before and she looked like she could drop dead every second.

With a sad smile, she left the Boarding House and went home again. As it was Friday and like she warned Elena she wouldn't be at school, she was bored at home.

Eevntually she decided to clean out her closet. Putting her old clothes- that meant the clothes she didn't wear anymore- in a bag so she could drop it off at a shelter later, she went to put the clothes she brought back from Ireland in her closet. She was still figuring out what she would do away and what she would keep when the bell rang.

Walking down the stairs, she went for the door. Before opening the door fully, she opened it slightly so she could see who it was. She frowned when she saw no one. Opening the door fully, she peeker her head out the door to see outside in the hope that the person who rang the bell was still out there. No such luck. She was about to close the door again when a box on the floor caught her eye.

She picked it up and saw a card adressed for her. Closing the door behind her, she walked up the stairs again and put the box on the bed. Deciding that she would open it when she was done with her closet, she left the box and card unopened.

She was looking at a dress and decided to keep it, so she hung it back in the closet.

After an additional hour- she had started to iron the clothes as well- she got a text from Elena.

I'm @ Boarding House. Need help. Come! -E

With a frown, Elexis answered that she would soon be there and that she didn't need to worry. Afraid that it was Rose, she took a stake from her stash underneath her bed and walked out to her car.

Coming from a wealthy family- two wealthy families- wasn't something that she liked showing off but her father- Liam McKenzie- had insisted that she would get a car that was in the top range of safety. That meant only Audi's and other expensive cars. She didn't like big cars so she didn't take the SUV that her father had offered, instead she got a Porsche Panamera and in Ireland she had 3 Audi's, in London she had a Lexus and in Belgium she owed a few other cars, including Mini Cooper which was actually one of the cheapest cars she had.

Getting into the Porsche she rushed to the Boarding House. The front door was open when she arrived which made her tighten her hold on the stake.

"Elena?" Elexis asked? "'Lena!"

When Elena arrived downstairs, Elexis was already joined by Damon. When she finally turned around to see the two, she was breathing heavily. "Are you okay? Where's Rose?"

"I don't know." Elena sighed.

After brainstorming where she could be, the three headed to the High School where was a party. A place full of humans and a blood-craving vampire that is on the loose. It wasn't that hard to figure it out.

Just before the exit of the school, Elexis told the other two that she needed to get home to be with Henrik. She already needed to leave him for a week and a half when she was in Ireland, she wanted to spend as much time with him as she could now.

Going to the Gilbert Residence, she was surprised to find Elijah sitting with Jenna and Henrik. He was playing with the young boy when she entered and he seemed to enjoy it a lot, they both did.

"Hey." She greeted. When she saw that there was no food on the counter, she looked in the fridge which was also empty. "No food?"

"No, I thought we could go eat a burger at the High School." Jenna suggested.

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