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There was an actual intruder.

He had sharp crimson eyes, and messy, dark hair. His skin was pale as the snow, and had sharp fangs. He wore tattered clothes that were stained with dried blood. He paused as he saw me. He seemed to be looking for something; maybe trying to relieve his thirst with blood.

I thought vampires were mere myths, but I'm seeing an actual one with my oceanic eyes.

"Are you a vampire?" I asked. I don't know why I asked that, I mean, it's obvious; isn't it? I mentally slapped myself.
"Yes." He replied in a flat tone, as he stared at me.
"Why are you here?" I asked. God, I wish I didn't ask such questions.
"I need blood. It's my staple drink after all." He replied. I'm still surprised he's answering my questions flatly, and hadn't attack me yet. I don't know what to feel now, should I feel fear?

He ran towards me in a brisk speed. Before I could blink my eyes, I already found him on top of me, and I was on the ground. What the hell?
I cringed. I hated it when guys are on top of me. I just felt like smashing their faces to the wall, so their heads would bleed.

"And you'll be my victim." He cooed.

I felt my heart throb quickly. Fear crippled me. I opened my mouth to let out a scream, but he instantly knew what I was about to do; thus, he slammed his cold hand onto my lips.

"Shut up. If you scream, I'll kill you." He threatened as he removed his hand from my lips.
"Get off me." I said in a monotonous tone.
"I need your blood. I'm craving for it. I haven't even had blood for 3 days! All because of those goddamn vampire hunters." He said.

And I didn't know there were such a thing as vampire hunters. Oh well.

He leaned towards my shoulder. He tugged the collar of my shirt, to get a glimpse of my bare shoulder. I could feel his intense breathing, and just as he was about to seep his fangs into my skin, I slapped him.

I broke free from his grip, and I stood up. I dusted my clothes, and covered my shoulder.

"Instead of you killing me, I'll kill you." I said in a sharp tone.

He looked up at me, and got up. He smirked, and mocked me,
"What can a little human like you do?"

I gave a sly grin.
My hands begin to boil. Soon enough, black flames begin to appear from my hands.

He looked at me with terror. Now, fear has crippled him instead. I smirked even wider.

"I thought you called me a little girl a moment ago?" I chuckled.
"Black..magic..?" He stuttered.
"Indeed. Pretty, isn't it?" I asked.
"Are you..with..the black wizard?" He trembled.
"Maybe, or maybe not." I replied.

Just as I was about to let out my tricks, he dashed towards the window, and jumped off.

"Oh well. At least I'll be able to get some food now." I mumbled as I let the flames die out.

I headed towards the vending machine. I pressed a few buttons, and then I collected the food.
I sat on a table, and munched on my food. It was just a sandwich, and a fruit juice.

I then disposed the waste, and I headed back to my dorm room. I locked the door behind me, and I went to brush my teeth. After I was done; I slipped quickly into my bed, and drifted off to sleep.

"Emiko." A soft voice called me.
I turned around, and I saw them. They were all standing together, ready to embrace me into a family hug.
"Mom? Dad? Akikhiko?" I said in shock. I ran towards them, and I was in the verge of tears.
As I got closer, they begin to vanish.
"No..wait..!" I shouted as I tried to run faster. But I was too late, they vanished as I reached.
"No.." I collapsed to my knees, and covered my face in my hands. I begin to sob uncontrollably as everything begin to turn to pure white. I trembled, and I still continued to sob. I'm useless. I couldn't save them at all.
Black roses begin to bloom around me. I took a glimpse of my surroundings. I have never seen such a beautiful creation. Everything was pure white, except the roses blooming around me.
Suddenly, I saw a figure walking towards me. He had the appearance of a young man. He wore a high-collared black and tan robes with gold trim, along with a large, flowing white toga draped around his torso. He had short black hair, dark eyes, and abnormally sharp canines. He also wore a circle-shaped necklace. He had a soft expression on his face. He approached me, and leaned down.
"You know Emiko, one of my favorite quotes is; people cry not because they're weak, but because they have been strong for too long." He said as he placed his hand on my cheek, wiping away my tears.
"And I'll be waiting for your return." He said as he smiled.

toxic fateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon