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"Are you Emiko?" She asked softly.
"Yeah, why?" I raised my eyebrows. I didn't even introduce myself and she already knows my name.

"Alright, feel free to explore around! Trololololol~" Momo laughed.
"No lessons?" Electra asked.
"Nope. I only gave you lessons that day so the vampire hunter wouldn't be suspicious of anything here." It chuckled, before disappearing.

Such a dumbass.

"Hey. I'm Atalanta." Atalanta spoke, placing her hand on Flare's shoulder.
"Electra." Electra spoke in a monotonous tone.
"I'm Chiyoko!" Chiyoko exclaimed.
"Okay." Flare replied, trying to put up a real smile. It's clearly obvious she's getting annoyed cause she was being interrupted.
"Would you like to hang out with us?" Chiyoko smiled.
"I'm sorry, but I will be with Emiko." She replied. Wait, I didn't even agree that she would be with me.

She grabbed my hand, and pulled me out of the gym. She brought me to the music room, and shut the door.

"Emiko. I'm sorry. I really am." She bit her lips.
"Huh? What for?" I questioned.
"I'm sorry for not being there to help you after your family's death." She whispered.
"How did you know they died?" I hissed.
"Emiko, I knew your brother, Akikhiko. He told me he had a vision of his death, and wanted me to be there for you once the vision was true." She replied.
"How the hell did you know Akikhiko?" I spat, clutching my fists.
"Emiko, we are related. I am your's and Akikhiko's cousin." She looked at me with pleading eyes.
"Where's your proof?" I demanded.
"This." She pointed at her necklace. "Akikhiko gave you the same one, right? He gave me one too, so it would be easier to find you."
"You found me really late. I don't need comforting now." I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. Geez, can this get any more complicated?

She suddenly wrapped her arms around my neck, and I could hear soft sobs. She was trembling too, and she kept mumbling apologies.
I awkwardly patted her back, trying to stop her sobbing.

"It's fine. Don't waste your tears for me, so stop crying." I mumbled.

She released her grip, and rubbed her eyes. She nodded hastily, before giving one last apology.

Suddenly, we heard a deafening scream.

"Atalanta's scream." I spoke. "Let's go." I motioned Flare to follow up. She nodded in return.
We ran out of the room, and followed where the scream came from. It was from the hallway. As we reached there, we found Atalanta crawling in the ground with fear. She saw us, and pointed towards the wall opposite her. We turned, and found a body crucified on the wall. The body seemed to soaked with acid, and next to it, was a message written with fresh blood.
Sweet dreams~

We heard footsteps running towards us. Electra and Chiyoko came running, and then stopped; looking at the acid-soaked corpse on the wall.

"Trololololol~ It feels like it's been a while! So, another mystery~ Your time limit is 2 hours! Good luck!" Momo chuckled, through a screen, before disappearing.

Chiyoko helped Atalanta get back on her feet, and Atalanta was trying to inhale properly. I don't blame her, the sight of an acid-soaked corpse that's crucified to the wall is disgusting.

"What do we do now?" Atalanta crocked.
"I suggest we search in individuals or pairs, to find clues." Electra suggested, while staring at the corpse.
"Hey, Emiko?" Chiyoko asked.
"What?" I asked, looking at the blonde girl.
"Did you do this?" She asked.
"No, why do you ask?" I asked, raising my voice.
"Maybe, you lost your anger? Then, you did this?" She looked at the ground.
"Then prove it, for you have 2 hours time. Good luck." I said sarcastically before walking away.

"You can't just accuse someone like that!" I heard Flare spat.
"I know, but I can't help it." Chiyoko mumbled.

"Geez. Want me to kill that annoying blonde being?" Paul asked, following me.
"No." I replied flatly.
"You're too good sometimes." He whispered.

"Emiko! Wait up!" I heard Flare running. I stopped in my tracks, and turned around.
"Don't listen to that brat--"
"I don't care about her." I interrupted. "She has 2 hours, and that will prove that she's wrong."
"Oh, a-ah, yes." She mumbled.

"You've really grown, you know?" Flare spoke, while walking besides me.
"Did you learn that line from a dramatic movie or something?" I asked. I could hear Paul chuckling.
"Kinda? But really, you've grown. Although, it seems to me you are pretty reckless." She directed about my injuries.
My lips curved to a small smile, and I just kept walking.

"Where are you heading?" She asked.
"Reception." I replied.
"Why?" She asked again.
"Well, about 2 days ago, we all agreed on going to the cemetery due to one of us was brutally killed by a vampire. We agreed on meeting up in the reception before going. I was the first to arrive in the reception, and I didn't see the receptionist anywhere, so this could link to the mystery." I answered.
"I see. I saw her today though." She replied. "She's creepy."
I nodded with agreement.

As we reached to the reception, it was deadly quiet. The creepy receptionist was not to be seen either. All remains were the blood-red tiles and the dim light.

"That's odd. I know I saw her today, she was organising some files." Flare furrowed her eyebrows.

Suddenly, I felt hot, acidic liquid poured onto my shoulder. Well, who am I kidding? It was acid.
I clutched my shoulder in pain. It hurts. It burns. It's too acidic. It's seeping into my skin.
I collapsed on my knees and groaned. Why do I have to endure many injuries at one time? I can't possibly handle it.

"Emiko!" Flare shouted, as she grabbed my free arm. We turned to look who was the acid pourer, and was no one but herself, the receptionist.

"You, piece of crap." I cursed.
"Well, well. Seems to me you're clever, as expected of an ace student. But, I will have to kill you too~" She cooed with that same sickly, sweet tone.
"You." Flare spat, as she got up and clutched her fists.

I'm not worried about what's going to happen next. What I'm worried about is Paul. His brown orbs turned to dark ones. He begin to walk towards the receptionist, but she didn't notice it. He cracked his knuckles and whispered,

"Anyone that hurts Emiko shall taste death."

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