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I woke up on the cold ground as the sun blinded me. I was soaked from the rain yesterday. My body was numb too. Such irony, to think someone would actually help me.

I got up, and pain shot me. I don't have time now, I need to get back. I can't be chilling on the ground.

I wrapped my right arm around my waist, and proceeded to walk in slow motion. Few coughs escaped from my mouth. I felt my head was clouded and hazy. It would be nice if I had a comfy bed to rest on right now.

"Emiko?" A familiar voice called.

I turned around, and immediately recognised the familiar figure.

"Oh. It's you." I said bitterly, for it's Atalanta.
"What's with the bitter voice?" She questioned.
"Oh, you know. Being left out and ended up unconscious for a night. Such an amazing thing to do." I replied sarcastically.
"We're sorry fo-"
"I don't need your useless apologies." I interrupted.
"Do you need help? You seem-"
"No." I interrupted again.
"I said no. Get off my sight." I hissed.
"I know we're wrong, and I've been searching for you. Emi-"
"Don't make me laugh. Don't sweet talk me into believing that you'll actually look for me." I said.
"I swear tha-"
"Get off my sight before I slit your throat." I spat.
"You can't. You know I might beat you in combat while you try." She replied.
"Oh? Is that so? Maybe your brain doesn't live up to your sorry excuse." I replied.
"Get off my sight." I screamed, as my irises turned to a dark shade of red.

She had the most frightened look in her eyes. She remained silent, as I continued to walk in a slow pace.

People have been giving me strange glances as I passed by them. They didn't even bother to help me. Like excuse you, I'm dying here.

After 15 minutes of walking, I finally reached. I took a deep breath and push the doors open. Momo was waiting, tapping its paw.

"You finally reached Emiko Crimson Scarlet. You're lucky you aren't going to be executed." It said.
"Why not?" I asked, trying not to sound rude.
"I've suspected your friends left you, since they've all arrived together." It replied. "Moreover, you're in a bad condition right now."
"True. Collapsed on the cold ground and stayed there for a night." I sighed.
"Head to the nurse. Should I call one of your friends to help you?" It questioned.
"No, thanks." I motioned, as I begin to walk away.

The nurse office wasn't that difficult to find. I entered, and I found a female arranging some medicine. She had raven hair, and piercing green eyes. Pale skin, and pink lips too.

"Sit on the bed." She smiled.

I sat on the bed, waiting.

"What's your name dear?" She asked, in a friendly tone. She held a notepad and a pen.
"Emiko." I replied.
She nodded, and jotted it down.

"Please lie down." She motioned.

I did as I was told.

"Where do you feel pain?" She asked.
"Everywhere." I replied.

She chuckled a bit, and took out some bandages. She then--

You know what? Skip this part. I don't know how should I explain to you about these things. Me and medicine related stuff don't get along. Okay? Lol.

Somebody just broke my peaceful sleep by nudging me. I opened my eyes, and I found Chiyoko, Electra, and Atalanta. I let out a 'tch' and rolled over to my side, letting my back face them.

"Emiko..we are really sorry for leaving you." Chiyoko whispered.
"Yeah..we're not lying." Atalanta said.
"We saw you with some guy, so we thought you were trying to escape." Electra said.

I felt my eyes twitch, and I turned to face them. Like hell, I would escape. I ain't a coward.

"Yeah, as if your sorry would bring back everything. I collapsed on the cold ground, you know? No one helped me. No one bothered to come and look for me. Moreover, I twisted my leg, I injured my sides, and I have a high fever from staying in the rain for too long. Don't act like you all are not lying. You all are lying. How pathetic. Just because you saw me with a guy doesn't mean I'm a coward and I'll run along with him. You all have a mouth and a pair of legs. One of you could have asked me. Instead, you all left me, without informing me. I can't even call you my own friends." I spat.

"Emiko, you don't understand." Chiyoko pleaded.

I clutched my fists, and gritted my teeth.

"The one who doesn't understand is you. Get out of here." I spat angrily.

They sighed, and walked out of the room. Such brats.

I then drifted off to sleep, to forget about my anger.

I fluttered my eyes open, as the moon light shined through the window. Geez, it's already night. How long did I sleep? I guess the medicine is too effective.
Anyways, I felt a strong presence near me. I furrowed my eyebrows, and turned to my left. There was a figure, staring at me. It was a boy, who seems to be around the same age as I am. He had brown hair, and hazel eyes. He had extremely pale skin, and his scent smelt like crushed almonds.

I could feel my heartbeat thump faster. I felt my mind tighten, as I stared at him back. It almost seemed like my death was near.

"Please do not be afraid. My name is Paul." He then spoke, breaking the silence. He then let out a small smile. "What's your name?" He asked.
"Emiko.." I whispered. I mentally slapped myself for giving my name to a complete stranger.
"Your name is a beauty, just like you." He said, softly.
"Uh, thanks?" I nervously chuckled. Okay, should I kill this guy or nah? What if he's dead already?

"Why are you here?" I questioned, as I took a gulp.
"I took an interest in you." He simply replied.
"What's that suppose to mean..?" I asked.

He placed his cold hand on my cheek, and rubbed against it gently. I felt shivers in my spine. It felt weird, yet comforting. What the hell am I thinking?
He then leaned closer to my ear, and cooed,

"I like you, and I want you to like me too."

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