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I let out a long sigh.
I know I always let out a long sigh, but I can't help it. Everyone else was trembling with fear. I watched them silently, unable to do anything. I couldn't comfort them either.

"Well, before everyone is in the verge of tears, there is a little task for you all! I would like you to compose a song inspired by what you've just watched. Nice, isn't it? The song should be sung after 1 hour and 30 minutes! Good luck!" Momo said.

Before it could disappear, I stood up.

"Uh, I have a question." I spoke. Everyone's eyes landed on me.
"Yes?" Momo said.
"Where did you get these videos?" I asked.

It begin to sweat drop, and chuckled nervously.
"The door which you entered the school by, is no ordinary door. It scans you as you enter, including your memories and flashbacks." It said.
"Oh." Was all I could say.
Then it disappear.

I sat down again, and scratched the back of my neck. What song should I compose now?

"Why don't we try to compose our songs in the library?" Neon suggested, trying to lighten up the tragic mood.
"Sure!" Chiyoko said.
"I guess it's fine. We only have 1 hour and 30 minutes left anyways." Atalanta replied.
"I guess I'll go too." Electra said.
"What about you Emiko?" Neon asked.
"Okay then." I answered. Truth be told, I don't like working in groups.

We all got up, and headed to the library.
As soon as we reached there, we took some papers and pencils; and sat as a group.

Everyone concentrated on their papers, trying to think of something. Some fiddled with their pencils. I tried to think of something too.

I recalled the videos. The day I got the necklace from my brother. The day he died. The day when I trained with him. I think I got an idea.

I begin to scribble down madly.

After 30 minutes of scribbling down my lyrics, I dust away the eraser bits.

"I'm done. I'll go out to practice it." I signalled to the group.
"Alright, good luck!" Neon said.
"Same to you." I waved as I walked away.

As I walked out, I searched for a music room. I mean, there has to be a music room here. Where would we play our music then?
After 10 minutes of searching, I finally found it. The room was enormous. There were all kinds of instruments. Name it, and you'll find it.

I headed towards the grand piano. I brushed my fingertips against it. I took a seat in front of it, and I opened the lid to reveal the piano keys.
I placed my paper in front of me. I licked my dry lips, and cracked my knuckles. Well, here goes nothing.

It took me quite a while to practice on the grand piano. It wasn't easy, nor hard. I took a quick glance at the clock that was hung on the wall. I had 10 minutes left.
I wonder about the others, none of them had come here to practice the instruments. Maybe they don't need it? Or maybe there was another music room?
I took my paper, and headed to the cafeteria once again; to get a cup of refreshing water. I felt my mouth was dry after the practice.
I walked in a fast pace, and I reached there at once. I quickly inserted a few coins, and a cup of water was served. I gulped it down quickly, and disposed the cup.

"Alright! Time is up! Head to the music room which is room #56! Good luck!" Momo spoke through the speakers.

Wasn't room #56 the room which I practiced in? So there wasn't any other music room?
I headed towards the music room again.
I was the first one to arrive. I guess I'm often early.
Everyone rushed it with pale faces. I look at them curiously. Were they able to compose a song?

"DAMMIT, I CAN'T DO THIS." Atalanta screamed while her head was in her hands.
Neon awkwardly pat her, assuring her it would be alright.
Electra seemed..pale too? Okay.
Chiyoko fiddled with her paper too. Anxious, I guess.

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