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"Who's my next target~?" The figure chuckled.

It begin to walk towards us. I immediately recognised the raven hair and piercing green eyes. It was that same nurse, except the fact she has a knife in her right hand.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.
"I'm not a nurse here, my dear. I'm just another mass crazy murderer that has been wanted by the police~ You seemed to be a perfect target, due to your injuries." She smirked. She flicked her knife playfully, and then swung it.

"But it seems to me, I've estimated you~" She replied with a smile, before running towards me. She swung her knife, and I dodged it. Although, I did get a fresh cut on my cheek.

"Not bad. But you won't be running for too long." She chuckled slyly.
"I could be saying the same thing to you." I smirked.
"Confident, eh? I like it." She replied.

She threw her knife, aiming my head. I bent down quickly to dodge it. I grabbed the knife that laid on the ground, then pointed the tip at her direction.

"You think I need that knife?" She laughed, before vanishing. I begin to hear crackling in the room. I turned around, trying to make out where she was. All of a sudden, I felt a pair of gnarled hands tightening around my neck. I dropped the knife. I was gasping, trying to take in breaths. I felt I was suffocating. I grabbed her hands, trying to break her grip; but she wouldn't budge. Instead, she laughed in such an insane way.

I swung my legs backwards, and she immediately released her grip and groaned in pain. I was breathing rapidly, taking deep breaths.

I then saw her paralysed in shock. It's Paul. He collided his fist into her body, killing her. As he took out his hand, there were wires and mechanic stuff.

"She's a robot..?" I mumbled, in surprisement.
"She couldn't see me, so I took this an opportunity to help you." He replied.
"Thanks." I said. "What should we do with the robotic body?"
"I suggest we keep it somewhere else, for you can ask that panda about it tomorrow." He suggested. "We could keep it in the cupboard for now."
I nodded in agreement.
He grabbed the body, and tossed it in the cupboard before shutting it.

"How do you feel?" He asked, as he walked towards me.
"I'm okay." I replied.
"Lies. You have a cut on your face." He said, before placing a band aid on it.
"Get some sleep. It's late." He said, as he gently pushed me towards the bed.
"Okay." I replied, as I got in the bed, and covered myself with the cotton quilt.

He then brushed away a strand of hair from my face and gazed at me.

"I'll kill anyone who tries to kill you." He whispered.
"I think I can handle myself." I replied awkwardly.
"Sometimes, you need to depend on others." He replied.
"Depending on others is useless." I said.
"Then I'll prove to you it's not." He replied.

I let out a sigh. I don't believe he's able to prove it to me.
Because in this world, you must never depend on others.

I shut my eyes, and I drifted off to sleep. Ah, how it would be great to sleep and never wake up.

"Emiko! Emiko!" A familiar voice echoed in my ears. I turned around, and found Akikhiko running towards me. He seemed grown up already. He has gotten matured, but his innocence seemed to be planted on his face, just like when he was little.
"Akikhiko?" I whispered, as tears begin to drip onto my cheeks. He embraced me into a hug, and I embraced him tightly; as if it was the end of this world.
"It's your fault." He suddenly whispered, as he pulled away. His expression then turned to full hatred and rage.
"What?" I questioned, as I blinked my eyes.
"If you didn't go to Zeref, you could have saved us earlier." He spat.
"Akikhiko.." I mumbled, as I wanted to place my hand on his shoulder, but he slapped it away.
"You and your pathetic interest in black magic. It's all your fault. You killed us. You're a killer." He spat again.
"Akikhiko, you don't understand-"

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