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"Anyone that hurts Emiko shall taste death."

Is he stupid? We need the killer for proof.

He stepped closer and raised his hand. Crap, he better not. I then let out black magic from the palm of my hand to handcuff his hands and feet, while still clutching my acidic shoulder.

"My dear, why are you hallucinating during the battle? There's no point in using your magic to some hallucination." The receptionist giggled.
"Emiko?" Flare questioned. She then shook her head, and focused on the target in front of her. She knitted her eyebrows together, and rolled up her sleeves; revealing a pair of golden bracelets. It glowed, then a blueish-black aura surrounded her. Some strange black marks appeared over her pinkish pale skin, and her uniform turned to a  knee length gothic dress. Her pupils narrowed, and she gritted her teeth.

So, what magic is this exactly? This is somehow turning to a fantasy story or something, except the fact that this won't end great.

I forgot to mention that I could hear Paul screaming at me to release him. He's losing his sanity at this moment.

"Emiko! What the hell? Let me go. I have to protect you! Are you goddamn blind? Did you see what that monster did to you? If she dies, she won't hurt you anymore! Won't you be happy that her existence will be erased?!" He screamed, but no one else could hear him, but me. I want to slap him badly right now, but I can't. I don't know how to explain to Flare then, and I don't want to.

"Oh? Such pretty look! But it will go to waste eventually!" The receptionist giggled again, with that sickly tone. "Looks like I have a target to eliminate~"

"Dyler." Flare spoke. A black figure with red glowing eyes and canine teeth appeared next to her.
"Yes, mistress?" It spoke in a thick voice.

"Oh~ a girl who has demonic magic! Lovely~" The receptionist giggled.

I felt really useless here, cause I'm still clutching my acidic shoulder, and Paul...well, he's not doing too great. I'm not sorry for that, Paul.

"Give her a makeover, but don't kill her yet." Flare demanded in a sharp voice. The
figure nodded, and suddenly ran in a brisk speed. Deep cuts were all over the receptionist's body, and she screeched.

"What? How?" She questioned.

"Great job, you can go now. Thank you." Flare spoke.
"Anytime, mistress." It spoke, before vanishing.

"Clare." Flare spoke again.
A petite dark figure appeared next to her. It had electric blue eyes and a smile plastered on its face.

"How could such a petite figure kill me? Ha!" The receptionist said.

"Yes, mistress?" The figure spoke in a cheerful voice.
"Knock her unconscious. Don't kill her, okay?" Flare spoke.
"Easy peasy!" The figure exclaimed, before vanishing. It appeared behind the target, and blew a punch over the target's head.

I was in shock. Flare literally defeated the receptionist in 3 minutes to be exact.

"Uh wow? What? Okay, never mind. What do we do with the body now?" I asked.
"Drag her along. No choice left." Flare replied, transforming to her normal form. She pulled the body onto her shoulder.

"You need to get to the nurse's office to tend your acidic shoulder." Flare spoke.
"Go. I'll take care of the rest." She demanded. Wow, mood swings.
"Tsk, tsk."

I dragged myself to the nurse's office, and Paul following behind while being handcuffed. Flare parted her way, dragging the body with her.

"Can you release me now? I'm getting impatient." Paul said in an annoyed tone.
"I suppose." I replied, and snapped my fingers; releasing him.
"Finally. Do you have any idea how much I suffered, trying to break free?" He asked.
"No, and I don't need to know." I replied flatly.
"Your pace is slow since your shoulder has been burnt with acid." He commented.
"I didn't ask." I replied.

I suddenly felt I was been lifted up.

"So, a ghost can actually lift a human?" I asked, while Paul carried me in bridal style.
"Seriously?" He questioned.
"Well, yeah. You ask dumb questions, but I suppose that's what I like about you." He replied. He needs to stop confessing that he likes me. Like okay, I get it, thanks.

[Time left: 1 hour, 2 minutes and 7 seconds.]

"Can you put me down? I appreciate the fact you carried me until here." I spoke, as we're already in the nurse's office.

He gently put me down, so I can stand on my two feet.

He suddenly pushed me against the wall, and slammed his hand beside my head.

"Do you have any idea how much I wanted to protect you?" He demanded.
"Do I need to know?" I asked, flatly.
"Of course you do." He leaned closer.
"I swear to God, if you're gonna kis--"

He then shut me up by placing his cold lips against my chappy ones.
Oh hell no.
He did not just--

I pushed him violently to the ground, causing him to fall on his hips. I rolled my sleeves, and cracked my knuckles.

"You can't kiss someone so easily. At least consider their feelings. You know as well as I do, I don't return the same feelings as you do. I'm gonna beat the crap out of you right now." I gritted my teeth, as I approached him.

"Emiko, wa-"

I interrupted him by kicking him violently in the guts.

"This is just my cherished opinion, but I think that pain is the most effective means of discipline. What I think you need right now is not lecturing, but precept. And since you’re on the ground, you’re in just the right position to be easily kicked." I spat, giving another violent kick.

"Believe me, the next time you try to kiss me, you'll receive a much more brutal beating than this." I spoke, turning away to fetch medicine for my acidic shoulder.

I felt so pissed at this moment. If you're expecting me to let him do that to me, sorry, but this is not romance.

I found some medicine and applied it to my shoulder. It stings a little, but I've got no choice.

[Time left: 50 minutes and 5 seconds.]

Paul was quiet ever since I've gave him violent kicks in the guts. Oh well, his fault. I was walking in the hallway, to find the corpse. I don't know where Flare went too.

As I reached to the hallway, I found Electra. She was observing the body and jotting down things in her notebook. She noticed my presence, and motioned for me to come. I raised my eyebrows and headed anyways.

"Do you notice anything specific about this corpse?" She asked.
"No." I replied flatly.
"This blood does not belong to the corpse." She said.
"How do you know?" I asked.
"I've examined the corpse and there were no signs of cuts or injuries. So this suggests that.."
"That..?" I asked. She paused for a while and bit her lips.

"There might be a second killer on line."

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