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"I like you, and I want you to like me too."

This isn't some cliché romance scene. First of all, I don't even know who's this kid. Second, I don't have interest in love or liking anyone. Third, is this kid a ghost?

"No." I replied flatly, as I slapped his hand away.

His smile faded away, and turned to a frown. He then leaned closer to my face, and there was literally an inch gap between us.

"Can you not? I don't know why the hell you like me, but keep your distance a bit far away." I said, as I pushed him away.
"Is it wrong to express actions that indicate that I like you?" He asked, as he tilted his head. "Oh, I like you for plenty of reasons. Should I list them?" He asked.
"No, thanks." I replied.

He placed his hand on top of mine. Okay, I feel like screaming at him.

"Can you not?" I asked, as I slipped away my hand.
"Emiko. You're hurting my feelings." He mumbled.
"Look. I don't know you at all. You could be a spy or something, or even a ghost. How the hell do you expect me to respond to someone who was staring at me in my sleep?" I asked.
"Who do you like?" He blurted out.
"Excuse me?" I asked. Is he for real?
"Who do you like?" He asked, as he looked at the ground.
"Nobody." I replied, flatly.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"What are you trying to emphasise?" I asked back.
"I saw you with the Black wizard." He whispered. "You..hugged..him.."
"How did you know that?" I asked in shock.
"I told you, I know everything about you." He said. "You probably like him, right? Maybe, you're into villains?" He asked.

I swear, words that flowed out of his mouth angered me by the second. I got up, and clutched his collar.

"Listen here. The Black wizard and I, were mere friends. One hug does not mean I like him. Sure, I like him as a friend, but not more than that. I don't give a crap about villains, and he is not a villain either. The next time I hear you talk crap, you won't be able to see the sun the next day." I spat, as I released my grip from his collar.

Okay, his stares are getting out of hand.

"Emiko." He whispered.
"What?" I asked.
"You haven't changed at all." He said.
"Huh?" I asked.
"Ever since that day.." He mumbled.
"What day?" I questioned, as I furrowed my eyebrows.
"The day..of my death.." He clutched his fists.
"Can you explain what you're talking about about?" I asked.

"That day, I was off for hunting. I happened to spot you train with Zeref, I secretly watched you both. After that, you headed towards an isolated place to test your black magic. I was curious, and curiosity got the best of me. You blasted out black magic, and..it pierced my heart. The last thing I remembered was you running after my lifeless corpse." He said.

Then I remembered, he's the one I accidentally killed years ago. Pain and sorrow washed over me. I remembered him dying in my arms. When his breathing slowed down each second, and I was there, guilty.

"I'm sorry..I didn't mean to kill you." I whispered, as tears slipped out of my eyes.

"Emiko, I've returned in this form; a ghost. I searched for you, and when I did find you; I wanted to kill you. But in the end, I ended up observing you. Over time, I could not bring myself to kill you. I had a weird feeling in me. That's when I've realized, I'm romantically attached to you." He confessed, as he placed his thumbs on my cheeks, to wipe off the tears that have slipped out.

"You're making feel really bad right now." I whispered.

"I know. Hurry up and fall for me too." He said, as his fists turned pure white. "I'll kill anyone who tries to take you away."

Well, that escalated quickly.

"Uh.." I trailed off, unsure of what to say. Although, I feel really guilty, I can't help to think he might be a bit too psychotic.

He then leaned closer towards me, and just when he was about to brush his lips against mine, I placed my hand on his mouth.

"No." I said harshly.

Suddenly, there was a loud crack that echoed across the room. The room lit up a brilliant white colour, as the lighting vanished in a blink of an eye. All of a sudden, in the corner of this room, I noticed a figure. I widened my eyes a bit, and I felt the color drained out of my face. Not another one.

I felt my hands boil, as swirling flames appear in the palm of my hands. Paul noticed the sudden change of atmosphere. He turned around, and spotted the same figure standing in the corner.

"Who's my next target~?"

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