A/N: Am I okay?

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  A lot of people have been asking me if I'm okay, you look week, are you sure you're fine. And I'm gonna be honest....I don't know anymore.

Last week I lost a bestfriend. Not just any bestfriend. A child hood Bestfriend. He passed away in a swimming accident here in Texas at Lake Lavon. His friends and him thought it would be fun to drive of the train trusses above it cause other people were doing it too. All his friends came out. He came up above water for 5 mins and just randomly stopped breathing and started sinking in. Ibrahim was my best friend since the day I was born. He was like a brother to me. So can you imagine losing someone like that?

What's been stuck in my mind is that the last time I met him was a week before his death. And he hugged me tightly crying and telling me I am the best and a good sister. And when he passed it feels like he took a part of me with him.

He was a good guy. He worked in a bakery and it was his idea to pass out day old bread to the poor and homeless instead of throwing it away cause it's not bad. He would never hurt a soul.

Not just only that. But I have had a very difficult life 😓 my older brother was disabled. My dad never got to travel anywhere cause of the care of my older brother. We loved him and we didn't trust the nurses with my brother. I lost my dad on May 28 2011, I lost my brother January 27 2013. My middle brother had cancer so chemo made his health bad after the cancer was gone, so he can't do much. My mom is disabled. Her arms and feet hurt a lot since she has Osteoporosis. I my self have been through health problems. I lost an uncle 2 years ago. He was murdered for no reason. I lost an lady who was like a grandmother to me. I lost Sarah Jane who was also a bestfriend and now I lost my child hood bestfriend. 😞 I honestly feel so done. A person can only be strong to a point. And I think this was mine. I know I have people there for me. But they have their own problems to deal with too.

Thank you,
       Sumaiya Khan

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