•Wherever It Goes•

142 11 7

" In this case love your Beauty sings"
Inspired by; Beauty Sings by Tatiana Manaois


Michael woke up to tiny hands stroking through his hair

He looked up through his eyelashes and saw Calum looking at the tv giggling and he smiled at how cute the hybrid boy was

"Good morning,Calum"Michael spoke slightly startling Calum ,Calum looked  down and blushed taking his hand out of Michael's hair

"M'sorry,Mikey"Calum said looking away

"It's fine it felt good ,caly"Calum blushed at the nickname looking  back at Michael with pink cheeks

"So,breakfast?"Michael questioned and Calum nodded eagerly

"Yes,Michael"Calum answered and got up from the couch

"So ,help yourself to my closet,I'll get the food ready "Michael said and Calum thanked him walking over to his room

Michael was in the kitchen deciding on Strawberry pancakes or Blueberry waffles

"I'm done," Calum appeared wearing one of Michaels black skirts and a halter top with planets on it ,he looked adorable wearing the knee high socks too and his tail was popped out of the skirt

"Blueberry or strawberry,"Michael questioned as Calum sat at the bar

"Um,strawberries!"Calum smiled,he loved strawberries

"Strawberry it is,"Michael said starting the pancakes in then microwave not wanting to cook real pancakes from scratch

"Mikey,thank you for everything"Calum said sounding genuinely happy for once

"No problem,cal"Michael said preparing the mini pancakes in plates ",can you give me those scissors"Michael asked

Calum grabbed the hot pink scissors and handed them to Michael,confused

"Come here Calum"Michael said and Calum sauntered behind the counter

Michael told Calum to turn around so he could cut a hole in the skirt for his gorgeous tail

Calum wiggled his bum seeing behind him looking at his fluffy tail

"Thank you,"Calum said hugging Michael's waist even though they were both about the same height

"No problem your tail is so adorable"Michael said serving the food at the breakfast bar and Calum Getting seated

"Mmm"Calum moaned as he ate the food Michael giggled eating too

"So,Calum what kind of hybrid are you"Michael questioned trying to not sound forceful

"I'm a red fox hybrid"Calum answered truthfully and finished his pancakes

"How cute,I love foxes"Michael smiled widely

"Thank you,Michael,usual people are very scared of me because I'm half human half animal,they treat me like I'm an experiment,"Calum said slowly remembering all the times people poked him and his ears and called him horrible names and even going as far as attempting murdering him

"I think you're gorgeous ,your tail is so pretty and fluffy,and don't get me started on your ears,there just so captivating and beautiful,and you are three billion times adorable "Michael giggled and Calum smiled very widely loving  being praised

"Can I touch them"Michael asked reaching over to Calum's ears

"Yeah,love when people touch my ears"Calum said slightly purring at Michael's soft touch on his delicate ears

Michael loved feeing the soft flesh between his tiny hands he scratched behind them and Calum moved his foot

"So pretty"Michael cooed and Calum hummed and blushed

Michael retreated his small hands and smiled ",wanna go out today we need to go shopping for you ,yeah"and Calum nodded but he frowned

"I have no shoes"Calum pouted and Michael handed him his
black booties and Calum's feet fit perfectly

"Love them"Calum commented and Michael got ready as Calum watched spongebob and they left





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Bubbly;Malum {Hybrid} Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz