•Under Covers Stayin' Safe And Warm •

83 9 4

"Everything was blue"
Inspired by; Colors By Halsey


Both boys woke up to a cloudy sky and some sunshine shinning through the dark clouds and puddles clearing up and cars sloshing around in the small glossed streets and the smell of fresh morning dew

"Good Morning"Michael chirped as Calum walked into the kitchen looking adorable as always

"I don't feel sick anymore"Calum smiled

"Me either ,I want to go put today ,you up for it"Michael asked setting Calum's  breakfast down in front of him

"Thanks"Calum spoke digging in already

Michael had already ate

"M'gonna go clean"Michael informed Calum walking to his bedroom

While Calum ate Michael was throwing away trash and finishing making his large bed

Calum walked in on Michael bending over the bed to fix the sheet

"I washed my dish,it was delicious"Michael heard behind him he stood up and looked at the tussled fox boy

Michael smiled

"Wanna go to Ashton's "Michael asked and Calum nodded

"Yeah,he calls me cute"Calum wagered

"Ok,"Michael chuckled


Calum got ready and Michael waited for him

Michael wore a lavender sweater  and black tights along with black knee high boots and lavender boot socks

Calum wore a pair of light washed ripped jeans and a grey sweater along with Nike Runs in black and white

They went into the elevator and down to the main lobby then walked to the car garage and found Michael's black Jeep and getting in,then they were off

"We're here"Michael said as they pulled up to a large apartment complex and got out parking the car In the parking lot provided

They went to a column of apartments and went up the stairs going to the third floor if the five stories

They walked to a door labeled '316'

And knocked,when the door opened Ashton was wearing sweats and a black tank-top ,he looked normal for a rainy day and no work

"Oh,Hi Calum,Michael"Ashton greeted with a smile",what brings you here"Ashton asked casually leaning on the door

"We were board and Ben in the house for thee days straight"Michael explained

"Come in,"Ashton said moving out the way so he could let them in

"Your  home is nice"Calum commented examining  the slightly large apartment

The walls were a cream white and the black and red contrasted against it,as that was the theme in mind ,the place smelt of cologne and outside air ,it was warm and cozy and just the size for Ashton 

"Thanks,you guys can sit would you like anything "ashton asked from the kitchen wee he disappeared to

"Water,cold please"Calum asked

"Orange juice"Michael commented making himself very comfortable

"Coming right up"Ashton announced

Michael found the rote and turned in the tv then found Disney Channel and let Suite Life on Deck play in the living room

"Here you go"Ashton said putting the drinks In front of them

"Thanks"Calum said and Michael repeated him ,thanking Ashton

"Where's Melanie"Michael asked

Melanie was Ashton's roommate she was a ver great person so full of energy and positive vibes,she was also gay  so,great match huh

"She went to her moms house for a week "Ashton  explained

"Her moms house is nice though"Michael sulked in

They just watched Disney channel and Calum fell asleep on the couch while Michael and Ashton conversed

"This is not a filler"





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