•Life it's hard, I know•

49 7 5

Blue instead of Pink theme-
{trigger warning}
-mentions of rape

"Just trying to stay on track,and they'll kiss your feet while they stab your back"

Inspired by; June Haverly by Troye Sivan


Calum had never been more scared in his life when the scruff voiced stranger pulled him to a vehicle.He couldn't process anything.It was all moving so fast.

He started screaming.His ear piercing scream shocked the strangler.The stranger kept dragging him. when they got to the actual vehicle Calum's screams continued and the man took Calum's head and knocked it against the tin car.

Calum was out quickly and his whole body was numb.The movement of him being lifted was faint and he could barely feel it.In the vehicle Calum's body was compacted small.He was in a trunk.

The trunk was small cramped and compacted.The space was hot and stuffy. Calums breathing became quick as if he was suffocating.

Then when the car started the smell of the gasoline pumped through the back of the car.His sensitive senses had him unconsciously kicking and punching to get out.

Who ever was driving started speeding up and the smell of gasoline only got stronger in the trunk of the crappy car.Calum then passed out, nearly dead.

The drivers found Calum unconscious, sweating and smelling of gasoline and chemicals.The men just ignored his near death state and dragged him out the car and onto the street.Where they tied his feet and hands together and carried his small body into whatever building.

Noises were not coming back to Calum's animal senses.Feeling and touch were out of the way too.He might be dead.

That thought ran across the cloudy mindset of Calum. The men dropped Calum onto an office chair.He limply sat there looking corpse worthy.

"did ya get 'em"a dull unimpressed voice said coming out if the dark.Typical drug dealer motives.

"Well duh"the other voice said showcasing Calum in the chair.

The man in charge examined Calum and touched his legs and roamed other places as he was unconscious.

"Look at that little twink, his little skirt should be ripped off so we can tear his ass up"the man violated Calum as he was nearly dead in an office chair.

"He's only for experimentation with the drugs sir"the smaller voice said aloud.

"Shut up,We can have some fun."


"Welp,hi cuties,addictsanta is nice even though I never reply to their text I'm Sorry ❤️️"





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