•I just, mmm•

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Inspired by; Any song that makes you emo <3

•••"Michael will you ever kiss me,"Michael looked up confused

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"Michael will you ever kiss me,"Michael looked up confused

"I do-"Calum cut him off

"On my lips"Calum said


Michael choked

It wasn't like he knew Calum was going to want a full on kiss by now,but he kind of assumed

It's no big deal really

But it was a really big deal,Michael doesn't want to take Calum's,probably,first kiss

Michael honestly likes this boy to death,but it's all Calum's choice

And he would much rather not share his first kiss in a pancake diner

Not very romantic

"I-I,maybe not here"Michael said but Calum took it the wrong way

"Oh,"Calum paused

here comes the waterworks

"Um,right you don't want to kiss freak boy"Calum voiced

"No-"Michael said before Calum cut him off

"No,you're probably ashamed to be in public with me anyway"Calum sniffles,now the attention was all on the boy

"No Calum that's not-"Michael was cut off again

"I'm just gonna leave,I'm only trouble"that was the last thing Calum said before he got out of his chair and sprinted out the diner door

Michael watched Calum run,and he started crying,in the diner,in front of like fifteen people

He got up and jogged out the diner to his car and got in

He didn't touch the steering wheel and he just sat cradled in the small car with huge tears streaming down his face and dripping onto his sweater

No matter how many times he wiped them away the tears they came back

He gave up on wiping the tears away because the soft fabric was now rough on his pale soft skin and it hurt

It also hurt that his favorite person in the universe was somewhere,probably still running

Because of him

Calum was running while tears streamed down his face

He had not yet had an encounter of tears yet,and the salty liquid was foreign

And they burned his skin and didn't taste very well

But they kept coming and didn't stop

Calum had not been introduced to anywhere except for Michaels area and the mall and a few other places

But the sun was setting soon and he was face to face with lots of trees and a dark grey sky

Calum stopped running and panted heavily as he slid down a tree

He hissed as the tree roughly handled his back

He cried under the tree

Michael cried in his car

If they could see eachother  right now,it would probably hurt them both so,so much

Michaels eyes were red rimmed,puffy and green was no longer vibrant,it was more mossy than emerald

Calum's eyes were dark brown and red along with the puffiness from the crying and his once tan skin was lighter and blotchy 

Even though they were probably far away from each other by now,and It was dark and raining,hard

Calum was soaked,he didn't care though

That's when Calum heard leaves crunching but he didn't think much of it so he kept crying

That is until a hand caught this throat and he was dragged helplessly to what he assumed was a car

"Can't hide from us any longer"a scruff voice announced

"You're ours now"


"Short,fast,and weird,I know I'm a horrible writer,as you know I'm horrible at cliffhangers,sue me"




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