•You give me feelings That I adore•

78 9 4

"My heart is alive because of  your love"

Inspired by;I do it all for you By SoMo


"No,baby you can't wear those on your ears"Michael giggled as he watched the confused hybrid putting panties on his ears

"But the holes,Mikey"Calum whines looking at his feet

"Your so cute,Calum"Michael cooed looking at the hybrid boy in front of him wearing one red lace pantie on one ear then the other ear had baby blue ones on it

"I know you tell me every second if the day,thank you,Mikey"Calum blushed looking into Michael's emerald must eyes That seemed to be glowing from the light in the room

"Of course ,I want you to know how,gorgeous you are,cutie"Calum blushed at the nickname ,Michael knew how Calum got ,so he continued

Calum engulfed Michael in a hug ,Michael hugged back and giggled

"Ooh,Mikey can you show how the things on my ears are 'sposed to work"Calum asked wide innocent eyes and a smile

"Of course"Michael said and grabbed both off of Calum's head ",which color"Michael asked

"Um,red"Calum said making grabby hands towards Michael's lace

Michael smiled and handed the fabric to Calum And Calum gladly grabbed it examining it further

Michael stripped down his shorts and let them pool at his feet before kicking them off
Michael was wearing pink boy short underwear's

"Calum look,babe"Michael smiled looking at Calum who was looking back with curious eyes

As Calum watched Michael dropped the under wear and Calum looked at his 'princess parts',gulping

Michael pulled the lace fabric over his legs ,laying it over his milky skin and letting it snap on his bum

"So pretty,Mikey"Calum gasped out staring at how the fabric showed contrast against the light skin ,in Calum's eyes it was beautiful and mesmerizing

"Thank you ,your turn"Michael said walking closer to Calum

"I take off my skirt,yeah"Calum smiled lightly and Michael nodded

Calum let the skirt drop and scoot off his feet and by his feet on the  floor,next he guessed he should take of the underwear he was wearing too

Michael smiled at how gorgeous Calum was without trying

"Now the panties,sweets"Michael eased

Calum had eventually snapped the fabric in place

The way red and tan met on Calum's body was ,magical,Michael couldn't help but smile like an idiot,he was so pretty

"Pretty baby"Michael said looking at Calum in panties as Calum looked at Michael in panties

"This is how they work"




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