•When you make me feel this way•

86 8 24


"You look so beautiful in this light"
Inspired by; Tenerife Sea by Ed Sheeran


It's just a normal day in the Malum household,and Michael and Calum are both sleeping because it's Saturday ,and sleep has no rules on Saturday

Michael was draped over Calum and Calum was laid out kind of starfish like and Michaels leg was on his body

The blankets were draped over them,as in like three blankets were on top of them because Michaels A/C was broken and it's only cold in the apartment,so having that many covers was necessary

On top of that it was getting chilly outside as well,which was really great,so great they might get sick again,amazing

Times like this were it was quiet and warm,and not a regular thing,was like being on a diet for a month then finally eating a really unhealthy donut,it was sweet and really good

The sun peeked through the curtains and shined on Calum's face and scanned over Michaels ear

Michael stirred in his sleep from the little bit of heat from the constant ray of sun

He peeked open an eye and the sun caught it and he shut his eyes again

He turned around in the bed ever so lightly ,careful not to wake the fox boy

The pink clock read

5:30 am

Michael grimaced and turned back around quickly and ripped the covers over his head to shield from the slight sun

That is before he saw how the sun was illuminating Calum's face

The sun was like a holy spotlight and Calum's coffee skin was lit up in the most majestic way

Michael couldn't pull his eyes away from the scene

He wanted it framed and
Put in its own art museum,it was just beautiful

Calum stirred a bit and Michael was still staring and when Calum felt a gaze on him he popped his morning eyes open

Then that right there was the cherry on top

A lot of people do not pay too much attention to brown eyes because they are somewhat dull but if they saw what Michael was currently seeing they would rethink some life choices

The sun was enhancing every feature Calum had on his face

And the light chocolate eyes,were a masterpiece

Calum was still half awake and was a bit confused with why Michael was staring his face down

"Good morning Mikey"Calum says in his most sexy morning voice that gave Michael a heart attack because it was just everything and perfect

"Good morning,"Michael said still looking at Calum but with a lighthearted welcoming expression

Calum smiles and sat up rubbing tiredly at his eyes

Then he jumped over Michaels small body and to the bathroom,as any other day they slept together Calum had serious morning bathroom havoc

As Calum Was In The bathroom Michael composed himself and got out of the bed his bare feet froze almost as it hit the vinyl wood

Michael hissed
At the feeling ,and cringed

Michael got it together and started stripping

The bed

And he was starting to make the bed carefully and neatly as he folded over the bed sheet cover

"Mikey I'm hungry"Calum whined coming out of the bathroom

"We can go out and get breakfast,how's pancakes,babe"Michael said fixing the blanket

"Yay!"Calum announced and went to his room to get changed and shower

As Calum was doing that Michael did the same


"Come on Mikey,want pancakes now"Calum whined dragging the 'W' in now for extra

"Calum it's a red light,it changes when it wants to,I'm sorry"Michael explained

"Dumb light,"Calum mumbled and as soon as he said that the light coincidently turned green

Calum felt the car move and he glanced at the light

"Smart light,smart light"he chanted

Michael giggled and kept his eyes on the road


Once they got to Michaels favorite breakfast place Michael parked and Calum almost ran into the place

Michael got them a table and they waited patiently do the waiter

Well Michael did

Calum was bouncing in his seat and mumbling something

"Hello,I'm Summer I'll be your server today,hi Michael "the waiter finally showed up

Calum was nearly having an attack,he was gonna get his pancakes,yes !

She took both of their orders and made sure to check the orders and then go back to the kitchen and so on

Calum still didn't understand that they had to still make the food so frequent questions were asked

That is until the food arrived nice and hot and perfect
(Like me ;) )

As they were eating Michael was deep in his pancakes and even though Calum was complaining about eating he was just looking around the diner

Calum spotted a couple that was sitting a few tables away and the boy leaned across the table and kissed the girl

The girls skin turned Crimson and the guy smiled

Calum smiled too

"Michael will you ever kiss me,"Michael looked up confused

"I do-"Calum cut  him off

"On my lips"Calum said

Michael choked

"Sorry for not updating I have sports and school and tryouts for more sports,I'm soz,luv ya"





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Bubbly;Malum {Hybrid} Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon