•anything it takes•

58 8 5

"Like lullabies you are forever in my mind"
Inspired by; lullabies by Yuna

"Mikey can I shower please"Calum asked as they approached the warm living room.

"Of course baby boy"  Michael said looking at the boy. Calum smiled at the name and it warmed Michaels heart to see him smile.

Calum walked off to go take a shower, he hadn't had a proper shower without being interrupted or helped since the hospital. It was a large relief.

Michael was hungry and he figured Calum would be hungry too so he set his sweater and so on, on the love seat and walked into the kitchen to figure out what to cook.

He searched the refrigerator and freezer for something and his eyes landed on the pizza rolls in the freezer. He grabbed the bag and used his kiddy scissors to open the package.

He took out a large  plate for him and Calum and layered the pizza rolls on the plate. He popped them in the micro ace and waited for them to cook.

He picked a show on Netflix to watch while the food cooked. I've the show was on it was just in time for the food.

on the other hand Calum was out of the shower and wrapping a towel around his body. The draft of air in the room was cold. Calum shivered as he walked to the closet.

Finally picking out an oversized T shirt and his softest panties he went into the living room. He smiled when he eyed Michael waiting for him on the couch with a blanket and some food.

"Awe so nice to me" Calum said as he hopped on the couch, still damp and engulfed Michael in a warm hug.

"Well of course"


"Hello, sorry for going hiatus, love ya babez"

LOVE, Bambi🌸

Bubbly;Malum {Hybrid} Where stories live. Discover now