•Wherever You Go•

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"I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth cause it's they add up to"
Inspired by;Little things by One Directon


It's a lazy day at the Michael household ,and Calum is very relaxed,he needs to be ,after yesterday and all

"Calum,babe,do you wanna watch a Movie"Michael ask the pretty boy laying across his lap

Calum hummed agreeing with Michael,he snuggled up into Michael's chest loving the soft material of his sweater

"Look Calum,which one"Michael asked kissing Calum's ear

Calum looked up and saw all the colorful Disney movies displayed on the screen

Calum raked the pretty colors and landed on The Lion King

Michael smiled ,he loved the lion king ,it was one of his favorites

"Calum,there's some sad parts  "Michael explained to Calum so when simbas dad dies Calum doesn't cry his heart out

"S'fine"Calum giggled

The introducing of the movie was introduced

And thirty minuets later Calum was so tied into the movie as they kept singing and dancing he was clapping And humming along

Michael watched with much fondness and they both cried when Mufasa pushed Simbas dad off if the cliff and ,well you know

"But,he was so nice"Calum sobbed into Michael's chest

Michael's tears were prickling too

"Shh,it's okay baby,it's the circle of life"Michael sniffles

Calum and Michael were curled up into each other as the credits rolled through the screen

"That was fun"Calum sighed rubbing his eyes and yawning

Michael watched as he pulled the blanket over them and put his tail around his waist and his ears flapped down



"I love Disney Movies So Much I cry"((only the animated old ones though))




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