•now you're only low•

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Michaels point of view;
Sad chapter--

"Can I lay by your side"
Inspired by; Lay me down by Sam Smith

Beep beep beep beep

"Can I see him"

"Uh no sir he's in poor condition"

"I need to see him!"

"I'm sorry, he's in no condition to be seen right now"

I pushed against the doctor and was violently shoved away by two security guards.

"No I need to see him" I cried pathetically into the security guards arm. I really wanted to see my precious boy.

"Sir I'm gonna need you to calm down."one of the guards said

"Please!" I  screamed. The security guards held me down.

I  agreed to go home and leave my precious at the hospital. My heart had a huge hole in it. It hurt so much to someone i loved in this condition.

After the crooks shot Calum in the side of his rib cage where it passed through and luckily didn't hit his heart. His lungs are thoroughly damaged and he had a hard time staying alive on the ambulance ride to the hospital.

Calum was on life support for a good week. I hadn't seen him for a solid time. Not seeing Calum for a long time was so heart wrenching.

I can't live like this. I swear I found everything about myself when I met Calum. Calum is my life in one person. I've know him for such a short time, I know. But he is such a sweetheart and he deserved none of this. Why can't the world see; just because you're different in some way, does not mean you should be treated so poorly. You could have one imperfection and society shuns you. Calum was just a little more exotic than others and he was tortured like a useless experiment.

I loved Calum so much, and I cant began to explain of how special he is to me.

I have not slept in two weeks, I can't ever see him. Even though seeing him damaged and dead eyed in the uncomfortable hospital bed will break my heart, I just need to see his face again.

It hurts feeling like you caused everything.

It hurts knowing you could have done so much and you did so little.

It hurts knowing how much you've put someone in danger.

I want to kick myself so many times. I want to restart everything and rewind back to when I denied Calum that kiss.

You never know how much you love someone until, they're almost gone.

It hurts.

"I cried, like I had tears down my face and my nose was running bc I was crying so much oh geez"





Love, BAMBI🌸
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