•I Always Know•

128 11 18

"This  is our fate,I'm yours"
Inspired by; Im Yours by Jason Mraz
((Long chapter))

Calum was ecstatic ,he had never been out were there were other people instead of half humans

"Michael what's that"Calum questioned as they passed a box metal thing with wheels

"That's a car,mines in the shop right now though"Michael answered ,he Loved how curious the small  boy was

"Oh"Calum paused staring at the car with shiny rims that reflected in the light

His eyes widened when they were met with a large glass building with people running around inside of it

"Come on cal,let's go shopping,"Michael cheered and dragged the hybrid in the store

The looks they got were pretty normal,they all had probably though Calum was just wearing a Halloween costume

Which he wasn't ,but hey it worked

"What store first "Michael asked but led them to American apparel first cause Calum didn't know what this place even was

"Okay you can pick out some jeans and whatever appeals to you"Michael smiles as they walked farther into American apparel

"Go to the size 6"Michael. Informed Calum cause Michael was a 5 but Calum had more bum then him

Calum went over to that area and picked up some light washed ripped ankle jeans and jean shorts along with regular skinny jeans 

"Mikey can you cut holes in all my bottoms for my tail,"Calum asked hopefully

"Of course ,babe,"Michael said cooing at how adorable  Calum was

They bought only jeans from there for Calum and Calum wanted to hold his own bags so Michael let him

They walked past Victoria secret and Michael asked Calum if he liked girly undies and Calum replied with

"Yes,they feel soft on my bum bum,"and Michael giggled at his 'bum bum'statement

They walked in and Calum bopped his head to the music

"Who's sings this,"Calum said and Michael knew what artist it was

"Ariana Grande"Michael replied and Calum nodded

They walked to the Lacey panties and Calum's eyes widened when he saw all the pretty patterns and colors

"Their all so pretty,Mikey"cal smiled

And Michael agreed picking him out some as well and Calum was up to about ten or fifteen pairs,who cares they were all cute and on sell

They walked to the register were a tall girl with pretty eyes and curly hair and freckles littering her skin

"Panties?"she questioned and Calum eagerly nodded

"Yes,make my bum,bum look pretty"Calum answered and Michael adored the small boy

The girl smiled giggling at the boy illiterate statement and selling them the garments

"Have a nice day cuties"the girl shouted as they walked out of the pretty store

"Cal,wanna eat"Michael offered as they approached the food court

"Yes,hungry"Calum said rubbing his tummy and it growled slightly and Michael giggled

The decided on going to Charlie's and getting food

"Hello what can I get you today"a thick accent was heard and Michael looked at the boy from the menu and smiled

The boy had Dimples for days   And a pretty head of hair along with pretty pale skin and cherry lips

"Uh yes,I'll get the chili cheese fries ,and a lemonade,cal what do you want" Michael said and didn't get an answer so he turned and didn't spot Calum

"Sorry,um can I get two of those thanks ,"Michael franticly handed the boy the money as he ring up the order and Michael grabbed the receipt

"Calum"Michael yelled ,walking everywhere

He looked for a fluffy tail and wandering feet and spotted them and other feet too

Michael waked up to Calum out of breath

"Calum where'd you go"Michael said putting his   Hands on his knees breathing heavily

"Oh,I was looking at the sparkly store and this boy said I was 'fuckable'"Calum smiled thinking it was a cute little comment

Michael's eyes widened and he dragged Calum away from the guy and set him on the bench then walked back up to the boy and gave him a back handed slap

"Beat it"Michael snapped and the boy left quickly

"Calum that boy was not nice,and that word is a 'no,no'"Calum obeyed and their number was yelled out through the food court

They got the food and sat at a red booth

"Sorry,Mikey"Calum said swinging his legs back and forth under the table

"Oh no,baby,don't be sorry ,you didn't know better ,okay "Michael swooned and Calum blushed and giggled





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