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((Idk if I edited this))
"Cause I'm a little Unsteady"
Inspired by ; Unsteady By X ambassadors


"Calum,what's your story"

Those words had Calum in Michael's lap bawling his eyes out because his past was his past but he was glad to share it with someone's so caring and loving

Michael felt bad for asking the question he really meant no harm ,he just wanted to get to know the feminine hybrid boy,not for him to be crying his eyes out and sniffling into Michael's jumper


"Calum I want to get to know you,sit down"Michael asked subtly to a hyper fox boy jumping in his knee socks and a shirt as his caramel thighs

"Of course Mikey "Calum cooed sitting down on the bed ,on the really comfortable warm bed

"Calum what's your story,"Michael says aloud and Calum starts

"Well I'm a hybrid because a Fox um,well,-er- ,he like,"Calum's tears prickled his eyes

,"take your time babe"Michael said sympathetically

"The Fox,raped my mummy,and I was born,"Calum whispered",my mum took care of me until the authorities said I couldn't ,like be with her because she,-um-,she couldn't take care of a freak boy like me,"Calum sniffles",I was put in a place,a scary place,for freaks like me,they treated me like I was worthless ,like an experiment,"Calum paused looking into Michael's eyes",I was,so depressed I had so many thoughts that I just,-it hurt so much Michael -"Calum says curling into Michael",I had no one to go to ,no one liked me,I was Different,I was a freak"Michael started crying too",they touched me ,"Calum paused and let the tears flow",everywhere,I felt so dirty and dumb,for letting them do that,"Calum sniffles more ,holding back ",I got tired of it,they got tired of me after ,fifteen years they set me free ,and I was living just like a wild animal for Three years and I couldn't do it anymore,"Michael patted him and rubbed his ears,calming him ",they tried to cut my ears and tail to make me,Normal ,something I'm not at all,they chased me and tried killing me,"Calum looked at Michael "I don't know why,my mum always said I was perfect never the less ,I was never told different for a time ,but then they ,did"Michael was pouting tears and Calum was too "I met you after that and,you accepted me for the 'freak' I am ,you told me I was everything but different "Calum looked up at Michael again ,reddened eyes ",thank you"

"Calum you didn't deserve that at all ,you're so perfect,gorgeous even,and so ,so Beautiful,they just didn't see it,your anything but weird or ugly or anything hideous,your so amazing and I want you to see that too,"Michael swooned kissing Calum's head all over

"Thank you,so"Calum's voice cracked",so much Michael"Calum broke right then

Sobbing sadly into Michael's sweater ,Michael didn't mind ,everyone needs a good cry

" it's okay,it's all okay,beautiful "

"It's okay everyone's a little unsteady,it's perfectly normal ,just because you have a tail and ears does not make you any different ,at all"

"You're ,So Perfect,you have no idea"Michael cooed


"It,Hurts,So,Much"Calum says broken like

His works had fell down more then once ,crashing and slamming right back at him,shattering glass and broken hearts,it hurt so much ,all of it ,he was so damaged emotionally,it really destroyed him

"Hold on to me..."


"Cause I'm a little Unsteady"




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