•only seeing myself •

34 5 3

"Yeah we're always better when we're together"
Inspired by; Better Together by Us The Duo

Calum was at home, all alone for three hours. It was such a burden to watch his favorite person leave him. It wasn't like he broke up with him or anything. But Calum being hybrid made him clingy to no halt. He needed someone or something to keep him company at all times, or else he felt Lonely and unwanted.

Michael had called the home phone to have a conversation with Calum to make sure he was okay. Resulting in Calum not wanting to hang up and shedding multiple tears. Besides Calum having a breakdown, they conversed about getting Calum a pet, so he won't be so lonesome. Calum happily agreed, way too excited to find his new animal friend or friends tomorrow.

Although, the pet is both Calum and Michaels responsibility, Calum argued that he will only give love and Michael will do the rest. However, Michael explained that it is an equal job, and they will have the same chores no matter what. So yeah...Calum was not getting away with anything.

A long dragging 30 minutes later, Michael appeared in the door way with groceries. Calum was up and ready to engulf Michael in a bone crushing hug.

"Hey babe" Michael cooed at the younger boy

"Hi Mikey, Calum missed you"

"when did you talk in third person?" Michael raised his eyebrows

"Now, Calum feels like talking in third"

"Oh, awe okay baby. Wanna go sit down and I'll make din-"

"Food! Yay!"

"Yes, food"

Calum was quick to hop back to the couch. Wanting not to risk his chances at getting food.

"my music taste is so diverse no one understands"

Love, Bambi 🌸

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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