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I'm walking through the streets of south Korea and everyone seems to be out today. Ugh. All these fucking people give me headache. I'm walking the quickest I can past slow people to my house when someone runs into me.

"Excuse you!" I shout at the young male. He's got light pink hair and was wearing a black beanie.

He turned to face me and scoffed. This bitch. I brushed it off and continued walking. I finally make it to my street and finally away from the people. I sigh to myself and walk down the street. I can't believe I did that.

I got in a fight earlier today and if I get in one more then I'm out, at the school I go to they don't suspend you or anything so I just gotta 'learn my lesson'

I'm 17 years old and wishing this senior year would be over like my life. I wish I could drown the school in bleach with me inside.

I'm about two houses down from my house and my legs feel like giving out. This whole walking four miles to and from school is complete bullshit. I roll my eyes and suffer through the pain.

I see that guy who ran into me down the street walking towards me. I should march my sassy ass down there and give him a piece of my mind. I set my bag inside the gate to my house and walk down the road towards the guy.

I finally reach him and purposely push/ shove him with my shoulder.

"Bitch!" he growled under his breath. That's it. I know I'm a bitch, I'm pretty fucking good at being one. I don't even care if I started this I'm finishing it.

"Did you just call me a bitch!" I yell.

He shakes his head and continues walking. Bitch. Stop.

"Hey, you I'm talking to you!" I yell. I got ignored. "Mr. Douche bag!"

He stops and turns around. "The fuck?"

Yes. Got his attention now I'm gonna give him mine. "You fucking bumped into me earlier."

"I bump into a lot of people." he mumbled.

I walk up to him. "Wanna start shit? Gotta fuckin problem?" I get in his face.

"I'm not gonna hit a little girl." he pushes my shoulder.

I smack his hand away quickly. "Don't touch me."

"I don't have time for this." he says before walking away.

I went to say some smart ass comment but I left it as is and grabbed my bag and went inside. My parents were of course waiting for me on the couch with their 'serious' look on their faces. What they gonna do?

I smile and set my bag down. "Alright, you heard." I laugh. "What's new?"

"Nothing." my dad spoke. "Which is the problem."

"It's your senior year and you're still an immature fool." my mother scolded.

"Again? Whats new?" I roll my eyes and walked into the kitchen ignoring anything they have to say. I grab an Apple from the table and bite into it.

"What do you think you're doing missy?" my dad marched into the kitchen. "We are trying to speak to you."

I roll my eyes again. Here we go. "About what? The same things we talk about every week? Stop getting in fights, be better, get good grades, or how about the occasional you're a disappointment to this family?" I take another bite of my Apple. "The last one is my favorite."

My dad raised his hand and brought it down hard against my cheek. "Respect me! I am you're father!" he gripped my shoulders hard making me drop my Apple.

I winced at the pain. "Get you're hands off of me!" I rip away from his grasp. "Asshole." I mummble.

I felt another stinging sensation against my cheek. "Go to you're room, see you tomorrow." my father pointed to the door.

I picked up the Apple and threw it away. "Okay, bye." I throw up the peace sign and leave going up to my room. I shut the door and flop into my bed. "Well that went better than expected. " I smile to myself pulling out my phone.

Hmm what do I want to do? I could always go to this night party later, apparently it's gonna be the shit, there is gonna be live groups and heavy bass, yeah I think I'll join in on that madness.

I have to watch myself with the alcohol though, can't have too much cause my parents will blow a fuse if I reek of it.

I set my phone back down and hop into the shower. I got that manly body wash. Even though I'm a girl, AXE is the shiz. I smell the air as I wash my body. Mmmm.

Once I'm done I throw on some black shorts and a white and gold crop top. I let my curly black hair fall and put on some makeup. One last look in the mirror...good.

I check my phone it's 9:00pm and that party doesn't start till 10:00pm. And I'm not going early so I'll be there around 11:00pm. Hmmm what do I want to do for am hour?

As I was thinking I hear a loud bang on my door. "Heaven you piece of shit unlock this door!" my dad. He is drunk ...Again. Well there goes for me staying.

I put on my gold high tops and grab my purse. I open my window making sure I have everything.

"You fucking slut open your door!" he banged on the door again.

I roll my eyes and climb onto the roof and shutting and locking the window. I grab my pocket knife I have hidden outside on the roof and walk across it. I jump over into my neighbors fence and out into the alley.

Here we go, my night begins now.

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