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Jimin cleared his throat and me and Yoongi finally parted. "Sorry, Yoongi, Jimin and jin." I looked away to hide the light pink color forming on my cheeks, it matched Yoongis hair.

I looked over at Yoongi who's cheeks matched his hair as well.

"Ooh." jin teased. "Is there something going on between you two?" he motioned his hand at us.

"Uh, no, we are just friends." I said blankly.

Yoongi paused. "Uh...friends...yeah, just...friendS." He quietly said not looking at me.

Jimin made a hmmm sound and crossed his arms. "Why don't you take a shower and put on your new clothes Heaven."

I nodded my head and left the room grabbing my clothes silently. Way to go Heaven. Fucking up even the smallest friendships, at least potential. I smack myself in the face and shut the door to the bathroom. I'm gonna take a long shower, I need to relax.

*Yoongis POV*

"Why don't you take a shower and put on your new clothes Heaven." Jimin spoke.

Heaven quietly stood up with her things and left. God. It was just a hug, why are we being so, so....ugh.

I heard the bathroom door finally shut and then Jimin looked at me. "You like her don't you?"

I glared at him. "No. What made you say that." I scoffed.

"Uh, that infinite hug you guys just had, you feel something for her." he said bluntly.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, as an older brother figure." I leaned back and crossed my arms.

Jin started laughing and I heard a small word come from his mouth. "Incest."

I threw my hands up in defense. "I don't like her!" I yelled.

"Mmhmm." jin laughed.

I seen a smile grow on his face. "How old even is she?"

I rolled my eyes. "17."

Jimins mouth and jins mouth hung open. "You're a 23 year old man Yoongi!" Jimin shouted.

"And? Its not like I'm gonna go after her, that's just wrong." I looked at him.

"A six year difference." jin piped in.

"Shut it." I glared at him.

"Alright if you don't like her answer me this." Jimin said.

"Okay." I looked at him.

He sighed. "Why are you being nice to her, caring for her, you're the rudest person to exist, this isn't normal for the bad boy Yoongi."

I stayed silent. He was right but I'm not gonna admit that. Yeah she is cute and all but she is too young for me. I need to drop the nice act, I can't though, she is too sweet and innocent. I scoffed at him and instead of answering I stood up and walked out of the room.

*Heaven POV*

I had just finished my shower and stepped out. I wrapped myself in the towel and seen another bag sitting on the counter. I looked inside and it had a ton of stuff. Makeup, deodorant, a new toothbrush, female products, and a hair brush. I smiled.

I leave the bag in there and wrap myself up in the towel and head the room where my new clothes laid on the bed. I shut the door but didn't think to lock it as my towel fell off of my body and to the floor. I put on my bra and underwear.

I regretted not locking the door about 30 seconds later. The door flew open and Yoongi walked inside.

I covered myself quickly. At least tried to until the door was shut and he finally looked up. "Oh, my, ...I'm Sorry!" he covered his eyes, his cheeks were red.

I stood there like a statue. I quickly got dressed. "Its okay, you can uncover your eyes now."

He peaked through his fingers and the red was illuminating from his face. "Heaven, I'm sorry I didn't know, I just...Ugh...I'm Sorry."

I walked up to him and moved his hands from his face. "I said it's fine."

He let all the air out in his lungs and sat down on the bed. I sat down next to him. I felt cute in my clothes and Yoongi must have noticed.

He smiled faintly, that blush still painted across his face. "You look really cute." he whispered looking at me.

I smiled. "Thanks."

He took a deep breath in. "Heaven, can I see something real quick?" He turned to face his whole body to me.

Oh no. Where is this going. I reluctantly replied. "Sure."

He slowly cupped the back of my neck with his hand and moved his head closer to mine. Where is this going? Is he going to kiss me? His face inched closer and his eyes shut, so did mine. My face heated up.

He finally closed the gap between our lips and kissed me. I opened my eyes quickly at the feeling of the energy that jolted through my body. But it soon felt enjoyable as I kissed back and melted.

Our lips moved together perfectly, I allowed his tongue to enter between my lips and discover the land of my mouth.

This kiss was unlike any other kiss I've had before. I'm used to hot breath and teeth clashing with a drunk partner, this, this was something extraordinary. This was something that made my stomach feel like butterflies where rioting. I like this.

Finally we both parted gasping for air.
He moved away from me but looked at me. "Heaven." he said quietly.

I looked at him shocked from what had just happened.

He looked away from me and walked towards the door. "Maybe it is best, that...maybe it's time that, you should go." He didn't look at me once.

What? What do you mean? How can he kiss me like that then pretty much tell me to leave. What is wrong with him. I didn't know my emotions right there, I didn't know my emotions towards him. Why did I think I should trust him. I got angry. But I wanted to cry. Oh well, who cares. I'm leaving, I'm gone.

"Fine, I'm leaving." I stood up and grabbed my belongings and headed towards the door. I walked past Yoongi with out even looking at him. A tear rolled down my cheek, not because I was sad, because I was angry.

Maybe I was sad.

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