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Our laughter shortly stopped when 3 police cars pulled up in front of the house. There was a S.W.A.T. team van driving to the back of the house. Shit was about to go down. I watched from the car as the S.W.A.T. team busted through the door. The next thing I knew I seen the kid running out the door.

Cops ran after him and they tazered him to the ground. Cops run to him and pinned him to the ground arresting him and throwing him in the back of a cop car.

I opened the car door and officer Lee greeted me. "Thank you miss Heaven for helping us with this but we noticed you're a run away and could be involved with the party that this guy is linked to." he paused. "I'm afraid you're going to have to come with us."

I didn't say anything and started to run, I ran as fast as my legs would take me. I don't want to go to jail. Next thing I knew I was tackled to the ground and I seen Maggie running my way. "Get off of her!" she yelled trying to push through the cops.

It was no use I was already in handcuffs and being dragged to the police car. I let my head hang low. I thought to myself. At least I got the boys out, especially Yoongi...

I arrived at the station and the same time the killer did, he went in first then they came out and got me. They walked me through the doors and I seen Yoongi and the rest of the boys in the front room talking to officers. Yoongi must have seen me cause he jumped up quicker than I lightning bolt can touch the ground. "Heaven!" he screamed.

They stopped him right before he got to me. "Its okay, Yoongi, I'm happy you're at least safe and can go home now." a tear left his eye as he watched me walk away. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and they put me into my own little questioning room.

*Yoongis POV*

I was lead out into the front room and they let me out of handcuffs. I seen the rest of BTS sitting there too. "Can We leave yet?" I ask.

"Almost, they are just going to speak with us briefly." Jimin answered.

I nodded my head as an officer walked over to us and started talking. I ignored him as 2 police cars showed up. They pulled out the young male that Hoseok described and brought him inside. Next I seen a girl who looked an awful lot like Heaven. When she walked through the doors I noticed that it was her. "Heaven!" I yelled jumping up and running to her.

I was quickly stopped and 2 cops held me as I tried to get to her. "Its okay, Yoongi, I'm happy you're at least safe and can go home now." she spoke softly.

She sacrificed herself for us, me? A tear left my eye and rolled down my cheek. "Heaven..." I said quietly. The cops loosened their grip and I walked over and sat down and finished listening to the cop telling us what we could and couldn't do. But all I could think about was her, my Heaven, my baby girl.

*Heavens POV*

They brought me into the questioning room and I sat there in hand cuffs alone for the first 10 minutes. Ugh. Why did I run? I'm so stupid! Hopefully they let me out now that my parents are dead and I have no home to go to. I mean I am 17 and will be 18 in a couple months. I could always say I'm living with Maggie.

Finally officer Lee walked in and sat across from me. "Well, we checked your record and you've never been in here before, this is your first offense." he spoke.

I sighed to myself I don't know how long I'll be in here. I looked at the table and a small frown came into my face.

Officer Lee put his hand on my shoulder. "All we have to do is ask you a few questions and you'll be okay, the longest you'll be here is an hour." I looked up and sighed in relief. I nodded my head. "Okay."

"Now, at the party did you know about the shooting? Any part of it?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No, I didn't know anything about it until I watched the news the next morning."

"How did you know the killer?" he asked.

"He goes to my school and we've gotten in fights before." I said.

"Now, are you aware that your house burned down last night?" he spoke.

"Yes, I was staying the night at my best friends house when we seen it on the news." I replied.

He nodded his head. "Okay, did you have any part in the crime?"

I shook my head. "No, but I do know my father drank a lot and he drank a lot of flammable alcoholic drinks and my mom smoked and they were both abusive physically and mentally which is why I ran away a lot." I confessed everything.

He nodded his head. "Are there any recent marks made?"

I lifted my scabbed up hand and pulled my shirt over my head showing him my bruises on my arms and chest and stomach.

"Alright, we will probably be sending you to an orphanage unless you know someone older than 18 who will take you in." he explained.

My eyes shot open, this is it. "Yoongi! Min Yoongi!" I shouted. "He will, he is my boyfriend!"

"How old is he?" he asked.

"23." I said with hope in my eyes.

He nodded his head and left the room for a little bit. This is it, my life is changing for the best, I'm so happy I could cry.

About 10 minutes later the officer came back with some one behind him. Yoongi. I smiled

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