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I walked back to the bathroom and pulled out the hamper full of dirty clothes, including mine, to the washer and dumped it in. I shut it and started it and then check the dryer, oh, there was stuff in it so I decided to fold it for him.

Why am I being so nice all of the sudden? Maybe because I'm not used to someone being nice to me and looking out for me. The only other person who has done this for me in my life was Maggie, but god knows if she is even alive or not. I really hope she is. I don't know what I would do with out her, she everything I got besides my abusive father and confidence draining mother.

I quickly get done with folding everything and put it away. I check to see if Yoongi is still asleep, which he is. Ugh. What time is it?

I check the clock and it says 11:03am. Hmmm once I'm done with the bathroom I'll make lunch for us.

After I was done cleaning the toilet, the shower, the sink, closet, and counter, I swept the floor and wiped down the mirror.

He has to be up by now, he has to be. I check the clock and it read 11:57am. I quickly take out the clothes from the washer and put it in the drier. Then I cook grilled cheese sandwiches for us to eat.

As soon as the sandwiches were done I heard a yawn coming from behind me. It was Yoongi. "I made lunch." I smiled setting two plates on the table.

"Oh, uh...thanks." He said sitting down and picking up his sandwich. We both started eating and then he stared at me. "Are those my clothes?" he asked pointing at me.

I sighed. "Yeah, I needed a shower and mine smelled like alcohol. I hope you don't mind, I'm doing a load of laundry and I folded what was in the drier and put it away, I also cleaned the bathroom and in here."

He looked at me with wide eyes. He set his sandwich down. "Why are you being so nice? I'm just helping you so you don't go to jail."

I looked at him then looked away. "Yeah I know." I shook my head. "Its just I'm not used to people being nice to me and I just wanted to apologize." I took a bite of my sandwich. "I wanted to make up for it."

He looked at me and finished his meal. "I said it was okay."

"I know." I quickly said. I was now done with my sandwich, I've been done before him.

"I'll take care of the dishes this time." he grabbed our plates.

I nodded and walked back to the room. Is he mad at me? I hope he isn't, did I do something wrong. I was just trying to help. I laid on the bed and turned on the tv and watched super hero movies until dinner came along.

I smelled something good and I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. Yoongi prepared salad, a pasta with chicken, carrots and dinner rolls. Wow.

"Wow, Yoongi." I admired him and the food. "You know how to cook, better than me sadly."

He pulled the chair out for me to sit down. "You haven't learned yet? I though you learn when you're like 15."

I sat down and he scooted me in and then sat across from me. "I don't do well in school." I sighed smelling the food again. "This smells and looks really good." you look at him making sure he is looking back. "Thank you."

He chuckled lightly. "When I ran into you you seemed like the toughest girl, the bitchiest and most intimidating little girl I've ever seen, but, now that I've been nice to you, you turned out to be this amazing, nice, not wanting to stab everyone, woman."

I smiled. "Yeah, I never knew this side of me existed either." I laughed quietly.

He smiled back and we enjoyed our meal together, even though it was silent, it wasn't as awkward as any other times.

When we finished eating I went to grab the plates when he stopped me. "I got it."

"Yoongi..." I sighed. "At least let me help?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes and smiled. "Okay, you dry them and put them away."

I agreed and we did just that. He washed and I dried and put them away. I think I may be trusting him more and more. He seems really nice, I want to get to know him more. Not in the romantic way. Just, friends.

"Wanna watch a movie with me?" He asks taking the drying towel from my hand and hanging it up.

I thought about it. "Yeah, that sounds cool."

"Okay, well, I'll let you get ready, just meet me in the living room once you're ready." He walked out of the kitchen and I walked into the bedroom. I didn't have pajamas so I'm sure Yoongis baggy clothing will be fine.

I let my hair fall and walked into the living room. He was already waiting for me on the couch. I waved to him and sat on the other couch.

He looked at me. "Why are you sitting over there?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I...uh..I don't know." I couldn't think of the words to say. I thought maybe we would have been too close. "I just thought that-" he cut me off.

He patted the seat next to him. "Come here."

I obediently stood up and walked over and sat down next to him. He chose the movie Nightmare Before Christmas.

"Oh my god, I love this movie." I smiled as he pushed play and turned off the lamp.

We started getting into the movie when I noticed him staring at me. I ignored it until half way through the movie when he wouldn't stop staring.

"Why are you staring at me?" You ask raising an eyebrow. Please don't pull that cheesy movie shit again. I'm begging you.

"Because I think you look adorable in my clothes." he smiled leaning against his hand which was resting on the couch.

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