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I rushed past the living room where Jimin and Jin were sitting. I looked at them while I opened the door and stormed out the house slamming the door behind me.

I heard Jimin yell to me. "Where are you going? What happened? Heaven?"

I ignored him and I walked angrily down the street, my house was across town, I don't have money for a bus so I'm gonna have to walk. Ugh. At least there are no cops around.

I felt a drop of water on my nose, then another, I looked up. Fucking fantastic, it's gonna rain. Of course it's got to fucking rain now. I felt another cold drop, then another, and another.

Then I felt a warm drop slip out of my eyes and down my face, then another. God am I crying? Really? Pull your shit together heaven! I wipe my tears off and walk quicker down the side walk. I just want to get home. I'm done with everything. Everyone.

The rain began to pour and so did more warm tears. Why was I do stupid to even trust him in the first place? Was this his plan? To hurt me? To make me feel like everything is going to be okay with him then, just, just, rip it to threads, then burn the fucking ashes?

What was I even thinking would happen? That id be able to become friends with that dick! Fall in love with him and stay there? I don't fucking know.

What am I to do now? Oh that's right, go home to my abusive father and bitch mother. The tears were pouring down along with the rain I decided to hide in a bus stop for a few minutes.

I was getting cold, I was shaking, I felt lost, hopeless. Usually I'm the girl who runs these fucking streets but now I feel empty, I feel like I have no fight left in me. I was really cold and I needed to get back home before I got sick.

It was nearing night time when I finally reached my street. The rain stopped about 20 minutes ago and I have been shivering and my teeth have been chattering since I left the bus stop. Ugh. God! I'm stupid!

I sigh as I open the front door to my house and my mother is drinking and smoking in the couch. "Oh, where were you? Huh?" she slurred.

"Hello to you too, mother." I walked past her.

She stood up grabbing my arm. "You where at that fucking party wernt you?"

I just glared at her. Disgust written throughout my entire face.

"Hiding wernt you?" she spat in my face.

I ripped away from her grip. "Its no concern to you." I walked up the stairs and into my room slamming the door.

I set my soaking wet belongings on my bed and turned the light on to my room. I looked into the mirror and just started bawling.

I yelled at myself. "What did I do to him!" I gripped my hair. "I'm a fucking idiot!" I punched the mirror shattering it. My hand was busted but I didn't care. "Aahhh! Fuck!" I screamed pushing my dresser over.

A loud banging sound was heard in the door. "Open up you slut!"

It was my father, drunk, again. I can't put up with this shit anymore. Tears poured from my eyes and anger boiled in my blood. I walked over to the door and opened it up seeing my dad reeking of alcohol.

"What a fuck up!" he screamed at me looking at me. "When did you get those clothes? Did you steal them once you ran from the cops after being at another party and illegally drinking!"

I couldn't take it anymore. I lunged at him punching him in the face. "Now you done it!" he grabbed my throat and lifted me up my neck and slammed me onto a wall knocking anything I had hanging out it down.
My feet were not touching the ground.

"You we're a mistake, you whore! You and your mother. I fucking mistake!" he screamed in my face.

"So...is your...existence." I said while gasping for air. I honestly didn't care if he killed me right there. I wish he would. Get this suffering over with.

I heard a loud 'cling' sound and my father dropped to the floor and I slid down the well catching my breath. I could hardly breathe.

"Stand up you piece of shit!" my mother yelled. I looked at my knocked out father as I slowly stood up.

I felt a hard sting across my face. "The only reason I did that is so I don't go to Jail!" my mother slapped me again harder causing me to bite my cheek and tongue and my mouth filled up with blood. "I wish you died out there, I wish you were one of the ones who got shot!" she punched me causing me to almost lose my balance.

I winced at the pain and glared at her standing up and spitting blood in his face. "Bitch."

She slapped me again. "Waste!"

I slid to the floor with my back against the wall as my vision went blurry. My mother walked out of my room and I looked at my passed out drunk father who was bleeding from the back of his head.

I looked at my hand and seen it all broken and bruised, glass sticking out of it. I could barely move my vision was fading and I couldn't hear anything but my heavy breathing.

The metallic taste of blood stained my mouth as I coughed it up and spit it out. There was a loud ringing sound in my ear and my whole body tingled until I went numb.

My eye lips slowly drooped until they closed. What I great welcome home gift. I wish I did get shot at that party, then I never would have met Yoongi, I never would have came home, and all this bullshit.

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