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Everyone started laughing and Taehyung almost spit out his drink. Jimin covered his face. "I'm not gay! I just like messing with kookie."

I laughed but felt sorry. "Oh, oh my god I'm sorry Jimin!" my eyes wide.

Yoongi almost choked on his food. "Jimin...don't lie...you're a fucking rainbow." he said.

Everyone laughed at that comment. "Yeah I mini rainbow." Jungkook added and everyone laughed harder.

"Hey! Shut the fuck up!" Jimin pushed Jungkook.

We all finished dinner and we were all having a good time. I seen Maggie smile real smiles tonight even after everything that happened. I think moving in with Namjoon is a wonderful idea.

"Hey heaven, wanna get ice cream with me?" Taehyung asked from across the table.

I looked over at Yoongi who was staring at Taehyung. It can't hurt anyone, Yoongi is just too jealous. "Yes! Id love ice cream right now."

Yoongi turned his head and looked at me. Taehyung stood up and ran over and helped me up. "They have a giant ice cream bar with tons of flavors and toppings." Yoongi looked back at Taehyung.

"Really! It sounds like a lot of fun!" I screamed quietly like a kid.

"I wanna go!" Jungkook stood up happily.

Taehyung agreed and we went on our way to the giant ice cream bar.

*Yoongis pov*

I watched Taehyung and Jungkook walk away with Heaven. Grr. I don't trust Taehyung with her...I can just imagine them flirting right now...gross. And Jungkook, he is closer to her age which I'm terrified of.

I didn't realize everyone was staring at me I till I heard very low "ooooohh" sounds. I glanced up and everyone else was looking at me.

"Yoongis jealous." Jimin said.

I laughed quietly. "I'm not jealous."

"Yes you are." Namjoon added in.

"I'm not jealous of Taehyung and Jungkook." I laughed.

"Yoongi..." Jin looked at me with serious eyes.

I sat up in my seat. "I'm not jealous that two good looking guys just waltz away with my beautiful girlfriend. Like Taehyung has a history with girls and you never know what things he could be saying, and flirting...what if she is flirting back." I paused and bit my lip nervously. "And Jungkook is closer to her age maybe she might want that, before we were together she said I was too old for her anyway." I stopped before I panicked anymore.

Everyone at the table was smirking. "You are jealous Yoongi, and nervous, and scared of losing her." Hoseok said softly.

I started biting my finger nails. "I'm okay that she just walked away with them, no biggy."

Jimin gave a blank stare. "Shut up, you're not fooling anyone. I've known you awhile min Yoongi." he crossed his arms.

"Heaven isn't that kind of girl, she isn't going to flirt with anyone if she is in a relationship, I promise." Maggie set a hand on my shoulder.

I smiled I felt a little bit better. Then I heard heaven and them coming back.

*heavens pov*

We got to the ice cream bar and it was amazing, so many different flavors. I got strawberry swirl and a dark chocolate, chocolate chunk fudge swirl. I got sprinkles and whipped cream to go on top. Mmmm. "Hey Taehyung?"

"Yeah?" he asked walking over to me.

"What does Yoongi like? His favorite?" I ask with smile on his face.

"I know exactly!" Jungkook yelled scooping up some ice cream and handing it to you.

"Thanks Jungkook!" I smiled at him. "Does he like toppings?"

"Whipped cream." Taehyung added. "I like whipped cream too." he winked at me.

"Um...no, I'm dating Yoongi." I quickly cleared that up.

He smiled. "I know, I just wanted to make sure you aren't a hoe."

"What do I give off a hoe vibe?" I hold my chest offended.

He quickly regretted that. "No, no, no that's not what I meant. I'm sorry heaven." he hugged me.

I laughed and pushed him off. "Come on let's pay for this hoe."

He gasped. "Did you call me a hoe?" Taehyung stopped.

"Well, she's not wrong." Jungkook chimed in.

Taehyung hit him I'm the arm and I just laughed. We got up to counter
And bought the stuff. As we are walking back to the table I see Maggie talking to Yoongi. Hmmm?

"Yoongi!" I yelled and sat back in my seat handing him His ice cream.

He smiled and kissed my cheek. "Thank you! It's my favorite flavor, and whipped cream."

I smiled. "Yeah, Jungkook helped. And so did Taehyung with the topping."

He took a bite and his face melted like the ice cream did in his mouth. Maggie hit my shoulder really hard. "Ow what the hell?"

"Where is my ice cream huh?" she crossed her arms.

"Why the hell do you think I got so much fucking ice cream Damn!" I pushed my bowl towards her and we both started laughing and enjoying or ice cream.

After ice cream everyone decided to go home and separate their ways. Tomorrow is Saturday, I feel like being lazy.

Me and Yoongi arrived home and I was really tired and I could tell Yoongi was too. He unlocked the door and we both walked in. "I'm gonna take a shower. I'll be out in a minute!" I stretch heading towards the room for some clothes.

I grab another one of Yoongis shirt and a pair of underwear and a matching bra to sleep in and that was it. I turned on the water and took a warm relaxing shower. I started to sing 'No One' by Alicia keys.

'no one, no one, no ooooonnne
Can get in the way of what I'm feeling
No one, no one, no oooooone
Can get in the way of what I feel for you...'

I continued singing and swaying until I was done with my shower. I step up and dry off then get dressed. I brush my hair and teeth and put on deodorant. I lose in the mirror as I'm just wearing one of Yoongis baggy shirts. I like it, I look adorable, but sexy.

I open the door and walked into the living room and didn't see Yoongi. Where is he? I checked the kitchen and he wasn't there either, I checked the bedroom and he was there.

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