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I ran the opposite way the cops went, when I seen more cars lined up outside another house. I hid once again in a tree this time, cause the cops were surrounding the whole block.

I looked as they pulled 3 people from a house. It was Hoseok, Jimin, and Jin. Oh my god...they aren't even being nice to them. One cop threw Jimin to the ground and arrested him, he wasn't even fighting. They violently pushed Hoseok and Jin into a cop car, then Jimin.

It's not like they killed them why are they being so mean to them? Anger was boiling in my veins, if they didn't have guns I would beat the actual shit out of them. Just as I was about to climb down there was a cop who walked under the tree. I rustled quickly moving to where he couldn't see me.

"Damn squirrels." He mumbled to himself.

I threw a bunch of pinecones and walnuts at him and he ran away. "Fucking animals." he spoke as he tried dodging them.

Finally the cops left and I watched them pull away with them, my friends...family.

I climbed out of the tree and ran towards my house. I didn't want to go back there but I needed a few more things I left behind. When I got closer to my home I heard fire trucks and sirens in the direction I was going.

I ran faster and when I got there my entire house was in flames. There were 2 fire trucks trying to put out the fire and countless cop cars. I glare at the house with an evil smile on my face. "I hope they die." I laughed to myself. "Waste of flesh and bone."

I look up and it was starting to get dark. I pull out my phone and text Maggie.

Me - are you home?

Maggie - yeah why?

Me - I'm coming over, I'll explain everything when I get there.

Maggie - Come in through my window

Me - but your room is on the 2nd floor

Maggie - there is a way, you'll see it, think like me, I need to tell you something too.

Me - okay be there shortly.

I shove my phone back into my back pack and make my way towards Maggie's house. I had to take alley ways to his from cops. It was awful, they all smelled bad.

"Hey!" I heard a male voice yell to me.

I stopped and turned around seeing an older guy walking towards me, I could smell the alcohol from here. "You can make Me." he hiccupped. "Really, h-ha, hap-" He stopped and threw up. Ew. I sprinted away from him and didn't stop till I got to Maggie's street. I walked down to her house and seen the way she would get up.

I climbed onto a trash can and onto the shed. I jumped and grabbed the edge of the roof and pulled my self up. I carefully made it to her window and knocked on it. She moved her curtains and seen it was me. She quickly opened it and let me inside.

I set my bag down and hugged her. "Maggie...you're all I have right now."

She hugged me back. "I know. Besides your stupid parents."

"Even my parents are gone but I couldn't be more happy about that but." I paused feeling a knot in my throat. "....Yoongi and the rest are...gone."

She turned to the tv. "I know, I've been watching." she said with a shaky voice. "They even took Joonie."

I felt tears building up. "I watched them take Yoongi. Then I seen them pull Jimin, Hoseok, and Jin out of a house."

She made me sit on the floor next to her. We both watched the news with tears ready to come out.

"The suspects of BTS have been put into police custody and are in for questioning now, for more about the story come back at 11:00pm" the tv said.

I covered my face and started crying. "Yoongi..." I said quietly to myself.

Maggie wrapped her arms around me and I could here her sobbing. "My Joonie, they took my Joonie."

I hugged her back and we both cried until we could cry no more. We sat up and looked at each in the eyes. "We need to save them." I looked at her.

"Heaven." her eyes went wide. "We can't just walk up in the police station and take them out like that!" she raised her voice.

I covered her mouth. "Shut up or he will hear you."

"He left at 8:30 for work." she said. "My mom is okay with you."

I nodded my head. "So you made me climb on your roof for no reason?"

"I didn't know when you would be here so I was trying to be safe!" she held her hands up in defence.

I push her. "Ugh, whatever." I stopped to collect my thoughts. "But, then if we can't, I mean, what can we, what are even gonna do?" I could feel tears building again.

"Stop crying." she looked at me. "I know you, you don't cry for anything, or anyone." she paused. "You must really care about this boy."

I wiped away my tears and looked at her. "When we had sex last night it felt different than any other time."

Her eyes went wide. "Whoa, you guys, did the dirty?"

I slapped her arm. "Of course we did! I love him Maggie. I love Min Yoongi." when I said that it all became clear to me. I loved him which is why I ran to him, I love him which is why I ran away from him, I ran away today so I could protect him from being in any more trouble, because I love him.

I look at her And repeated myself. "I love Min Yoongi." I smiled and chuckled a little bit. "Maggie...I love Min Yoongi!"

She started giggling. "I never thought I would hear that word come out of your mouth, and mean it."

I slapped her arm again. "I do mean it, every letter."

She smiled and hugged Me. "I love you!"

"I love you too dude." I push her off. "but not like I love Yoongi...I could never love anyone like I love Yoongi."

She smiled but her face went serious again. "Wait back way up, what did you mean when you said your parents are gone too?"

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