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The next morning I was the first one awake. I walked into the bathroom and made myself presentable. I walked back to Maggie's room to wake her up. "Yo, my dude, wake up."

She rolled over and stretched. " just another hour." she groaned.

I pushed her off the bed. "No, get up now." I laughed.

She fell and groaned then sat up rubbing her head. "You're a bitch."

I smiled and checked my phone for the time. 9:00am. I put my phone in my pocket. "Come on I don't want Yoongi being in jail longer than he has been, I couldn't imagine what it's like."

She fixed her clothes and threw her hair up in a bun. "Or Namjoon..." she sighed.

I helped her up and she stopped me turning the TV on quickly. She turned it to the news and we both watched carefully.

"The Korean group BTS are still being held for questioning about the late night club killing. Police officers say that they might be involved with the killer. Return at noon for more information."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "They aren't involved with the killer, do you know how precious those men are? I crossed my arms.

She laughed. "Its probably something to make the people watching go crazy." she grabbed my wrist. "Now come on, we have to tell my mother."

I stopped for a minute. "Wait...isn't your step dad here?"

She sighed. "Shit...yeah."

I hugged her. "Its okay, tell her everything, I'll be with you, if he tries something I will fucking stab him."

She hugged back. "Okay."

We both walked out of the door and down the stairs. We heard the TV on and we stopped in the living room. Her mom was sitting on the couch watching the news.

I walked behind Maggie as she sat next to her. "Hello Heaven, I was so worried about you last night! Your house burned down and your parents died I thought you did too." her mom hugged me.

I hugged back. "I'm okay, wait did you say they died?"

She nodded her head yes. "I'm sorry, they must hav-"

I stopped her and the biggest smile flew across my face. It's over! It's all officially over! I looked at Maggie who was smiling too. I laughed in joy and hugged Maggie. "That nightmare is over!"

Her mom raised an eyebrow. "You seem really happy about this."

I calmed down and collected myself. "Because I am, they were not bad parents." I paused. "They we're the worst. Abusive father and mother."

Her mom nodded her head and stayed quiet. "Which reminds me!" her face lit up. "My rotten husband died in a car crash this morning on his way home."

Wow we are some pretty sick people. Happy because of all these deaths that are happening. But some people really deserve it, but not Yoongi, I have to get him out of there.

"I'm pregnant." Maggie quietly said.

Oh. She just said it. I stayed quiet looking at her mother for a reaction. Her mom set the remote on the table slowly. "You're what?" her eyes went wide and glared at her. "Do you even know the father?" she paused crossing her arms. "Why haven't you been taking your pills and using protection, I bought you those things for a reason!" her mother raised her voice.

Maggie just glared at her and clenched her fists. "He made me throw them away." she said through gritted teeth. "He is the one who got me pregnant." she paused. "He raped me and beat me multiple times and you knew this."

Her moms eyes widened and tears fell. "Oh my god baby..." she held her arms open and Maggie slumped over and fell into her warm embrace. "I'm sorry...I didn't think this would happen...I'm so sorry any of that happened to you." she stroked her hair lightly.

"It's over now." Maggie sobbed and hugged her mom while I patted her back. "No more guys. Plus um...I want an abortion."

Her mom sighed and vowed her head. "Okay, I understand I'll see what I can do." her mother was completely against abortions but she could understand why her daughter would want this one. "You're getting back on those pills, no more sex until we get everything taken care of." she scolded.

Maggie wiped her wet eyes. "I don't even do that mom, yes I make out and do other things but I don't go as far as sex, he made me." she calmed down and collected herself.

Her mother hugged her again and smiled. "Thank you baby girl."

Maggie hugged her back. Baby girl? That reminds me, Yoongi. "Maggie Yoongi and Namjoon!" I blurted out.

She sat up and gasped. "Mom! We know who the killer from the shooting is! We even know where he lives." she explained to her mom.

"Our boyfriends are in jail because of him." I added.

Her mom raised an eyebrow. "Who are your boyfriends?" she crossed her arms and looked at us.

Me and Maggie both looked at each other. "Okay, you're not gonna believe us." I said first.

"Try me." she said.

I sighed and pulled out my phone scrolling through my pictures and so did Maggie. We both had a picture of our boyfriends with us so it was proof we were telling the truth. "So you know that Korean group BTS that are in jail for questioning?" Maggie broke the silence.

Her mother nodded her head and she continued. "Well, you see, she is dating Min Yoongi, or Suga, and I'm dating Namjoon, or Rap Monster." we both turned our phones around and her mother's eyes widened and a smile grew on her face.

"Oh my god! You guys look happy, both of you, all four of you!" she looked at us. "Okay, I'll drive you to this guys house to help you save your super cute boyfriends." she hugged us.

We both laughed and thanked her and we ran to the car. We drove for about 10 minutes and parked across the street from his house. I called 911 and they answered immediately.

911 what's your emergency?

"Uh hello, I know who the club shooter is." I spoke.

"Hold on we are sending you to another line."

"Hello, this is officer Lee you have information about the club shooting?"

"Yes I do, I'm parked outside his house and I know his name and age and everything."

"Okay, can I have an address and name of you and the killer, and everything you know."

I cleared my throat and told him everything he needed to know, address, name, and age. "Bring a warrant just in case he wants to pull that card, he does it at school all the time." I finally said.

"Alright, thank you so much Heaven we will be there shortly."

I hung up the phone and looked at Maggie and her mom. "They will be here shortly." I smiled. "I can believe they think one of them did it, they are some of the most innocent human beings on the planet. They couldn't kill anyone even if their life depended on it." I laughed.

Maggie started laughing too. "This is true, Jin couldn't kill a spider that was the size of a penny yesterday, I had to do it." she laughed harder.

"My point!" I laughed with her and her mom joined in. 

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