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It's pretty dark already and the creeps are gonna start coming out soon, if they aren't already. I pull out my phone and text my best friend, my only friend. Her name is Maggie and we both live in hell.

Me - meet me by the tunnel make sure you look hot.

Maggie - Alright, can I have a hint on what it is you're thinking about

Me - party as normal

Maggie - sweet be there in around 45 minutes.

I shut my phone off and climb into the tunnel that's under a bridge. A busy one at that. I listen to the sound of the city as the night grows darker.

About an hour later and I finally see a figure walking my way. I stand up and see it's Maggie.

"Hey dude." I smile high fiving her.

She smiled walking under a street lamp. "Hey, sorry I was late, had something to take care of."

I see the bruise forming on her eye. "What the hell is that?" I ask pulling out a piece of gum.

"Oh, just my step douche again." she brushes it off as nothing.

"We need to get out of this." I roll my eyes.

She hugs me. "I'm cool dude. So where is this party?" she asks.

I check my phone. "Uh...the club by that coffee house and elementary school." I tuck my phone away.

"Alright then let's go!" she marches.

I shake my head. "You're a fucking weirdo."

When we arrived we had to walk down an alley way to get to the door. When we opened it, it was packed full of people, heavy bass, sex, drugs, alcohol, colored lights, everything.

"Yeah!" I shout barely heard over the music to Maggie.

"Whoo!" she yells back throwing her hands up, we make our way to the drink table and grab a cup.

They better have a lot more where this came from cause this ain't enough for just me. I chug the cup and then a chug a second one. I grab a third one and make my way to the center of the dance floor. I drink that down and grab another from a table close by.

A young male, blonde, tall, brown eyes dances over to me. "Hey baby."

I bite my lip. He was really cute. Alright. I smile at him drinking more of my beer dancing. He put his hands on my hips and pulled me against him.

He was drunk, I was drunk, but not drunk enough yet. "C'mon let's get fucked up!" he grabbed my wrist and pulled me by the drinking table and grabbed a bottle of vodka. Each.

I took it and took a drink. "Yeah! It's been forever since I've drank this!"

"How old are you?" he asked with a slight slur in his words.

"17!" I respond drinking some more.

"19!" he responds. "How did you get in? 18 and up only?"

"Back!" I respond taking another drink. I was starting to feel tingly. Whoa. This is great. "What you wanna do?" I smirk walking up to him.

He pushed me against a nearby wall and started grinding on me. He connected our lips together harshly. Our breath reeked but we didn't care, our teeth clanged and tongues clashed. He grabbed my ass and I just let him, I was too drunk to even care or think at this moment.

He kissed my neck and that soon ended when the music began to siren.
The lights strobed and 7 young guys walk into the place. Everyone screamed. Is this the live group?

They climb on stage and everything went off besides the black lights and everyone's attention was sealed. On them.

Bass began to shake and the lights dances along with the group, they sang and danced and they were really attractive. Some of them rapped and some sang. Damn, they were really good. I seen the guy I ran into on stage singing, that bitch has skills.

I looked around for Maggie and seen her across the way grinding up against a guy, she's okay and not dead. My attention is back on the 7 guys.

They played around 4 songs and everyone was getting into it including me. The music stopped and there was chaos. Screaming and shoving. I look around for the source of the rampage and there were cops flooding in. Shit. Police gotta be killing my vibe.

The 7 guys ran out of the door along with everyone else who could, I didn't have time to look for Maggie, I ran my ass out of there and sprinted down the alley.

I made it to some woods where a bunch of other people ran as well I heard sirens and I hid behind a tree.

My drunk self couldn't get caught, not this time, running away and underaged drinking. Fuck. "Fuck." I whisper to myself.

"Psst." I hear someone calling me. "Hey, girl."

I look around and see that guy again, the one who was singing and ran into me. "Lets go." he motioned me to go to him.

My vision was super blurry and I could pass out anytime now, "why the fuck should I listen to you?" I say back.

"God dammit, you're a stupid little girl." he ran over to me and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

I reached for my knife in my purse but I didn't have it, I couldn't feel it anywhere, Along with my phone. Shit.
"Put me down!" I yelled.

He quickly set me down and covered my mouth and his behind a tree. I heard police dogs as they sprinted towards the direction we were at. They ran past us and the guy whispered into my ear. "If you want to be safe, you have to shut up."

I went to speak again before he covered my mouth. "Okay?"

"No, you can't tell me wh-" I began to say before he rolled his eyes and covered my eyes and picked me up sprinting through the trees.

We got to a near by street where a white van was waiting. Oh my god! I'm being kidnapped.

My eyes widened the best they could. And I yelled as loud as I could. "Help! I'm being kidnapped! He-"

My mouth was covered once again. "You're not being kidnapped, I'm trying to help." he said angrily.

My vision got really blurry and I couldn't move, my body went numb. The last thing I remember was being helped into the van by one of the guys who were on the stage before.

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