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"Why walk?" I ask breaking the silence.

He smiled and waited to respond. "I was wondering if you had time to think about it yet?"

I looked at the ground. "I have thought about it."

He looked at me. "What do you say?" a mix of worry and hope painted his face.

I kicked a small rock as we walked. "Well, I really like you, I trust you, this may sound weird but you're my everything, literally."

He stopped and made me stop with him. He looked deep into my eyes. "Heaven, I ...i-i...love you." his cheeks tinted pink.

How do I admit I felt the same way. How could have gained such a strong feeling towards someone I've only known for about a week. Ugh. Feelings are weird.

"I love you as Well Yoongi." I said quietly.

He inched closer to my face and kissed me. I felt the energy rush through my body again. This was so nice, beautiful, perfect. Finally the magic had to end.

Yoongi pulled away and embraced me into a warm hug. "Do you have homework today?" he asked.

"Yes, math and I have to study for a history test Friday." I pull away from him.

He smiled. "Wow, you're actually taking this seriously."

"Because you're taking me seriously." I pushed him and ran towards the house. "I'll beat you!"

He sprinted ahead of me then stopped forcing me to stop and pulled me behind a bush. Cops....again....

They were talking to Jimin and Namjoon. Oh. No. Where is Maggie! As soon as I thought this she walked out and stood next to Yoongi. I seen her roll her eyes.

Jin began texting. And as soon as that happened Yoongis phone dinged.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"Jin." he sighed. "They are asking about the shooting, do any of these Cops look familiar?"

I looked closer and no they didn't. "I think it's safe." I said quietly.

"Wait." he said texting Jin back. "He said they aren't looking for anyone, that they stopped the looking search yesterday."

I sigh of relief escaped my mouth. "Alright, let's go work on important stuff."

Yoongi grabbed my hand and held it as we walked up to the house, I held it back. The cops stated at us, I don't want to be arrested.

We stopped a few feet from the cops and they asked us questions about the shooting, which we played dumb and said we didn't know anything about it, they believed us.

Finally the cops left and I could do my work.

Maggie ran up to me and hugged me. "Guess who's getting coffee with my future husband tomorrow!" she practically yelled.

I hugged her back. "Jin?" I say teasingly.

"Hey!" she pushed me. "No but seriously, he is picking me up after school, and then afterwords He is going to show me His music studio, and take me to their practice." she smiled.

"Wow, must be nice to watch them sweat and smell bad." I laughed.

"Hey, Namjoon will still be hot though, especially with swear running down his abs." she smiled day dreaming.

"Ew, go away." I pushed her and opened the door to the house.

"Hoe!" she yelled at me.

"Slut!" I yelled back. We both laughed to ourselves.

When I went to grab my bag from the chair it was gone, hmmm. I check the room and sure enough it was there, with Yoongi. He was flipping through same pages of the note book and looking at my homework.

I walked in and sat on the bed next to him. "Wow, you actually paid attention." he smiled.

"Yeah..." I smiled.

"Well, you're having troubles with history obviously, and science." he said.

I rolled my eyes. "I know, I'm actually trying now, I'll get there."

"I checked your grades, you can pass with a C in your classes if you get an A on everything." He looked at me.

I grabbed my notebook. "Yeah, that's no where near enough if I want to go to collage though." I turned to my math page and started working.

"There is always summer classes, or other things you could do outside of school to help, tutors." He suggested.

"Yeah I know." I said not looking up from the paper.

"I could tutor you, and you could take a few summer classes, then we will see where we are alright?" he smiled.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay...mom..." I said through gritted teeth.

"Hey." he put an arm on my shoulder. "I'm just trying to help. I want us both to be successful."

I flipped the page over. "But you'll be way more successful than me."

"What do you want to do?" he asked.

I set my book down and looked at him. "Produce music." I paused. "Or become a famous artist. Drawing, not singing."

He looked at me and smiled. "Well, I am in the music industry and I could always take you to a practice with me tomorrow."

My eyes went wide. "Really you would do that? Are you allowed to?"

"I just have to ask my manager, but, I'm sure it will be fine." he nodded his head.

I hugged him. "Oh my God, thank you Yoongi!"

He hugged me back. "Anything for my baby girl."

I blushed at the cute nick name. Dammit Yoongi. Ugh! This boy is gonna kill me. I mean I'm already dead inside but shit.

I finished up everything I had a do and eventually everyone went home. Namjoon dropped Maggie off at her place. Today wasn't terrible, hopefully I can get through the rest of the year smoothly like today went. Yoongi helped me with my homework which I thanked him for and we are pizza for dinner cause we were both really lazy today.

Besides that nothing happened for the rest of the night and I got ready to go to bed.

I heard a voice through the door. "Can I sleep with you again?" he said softly. "I really enjoyed it."

It was Yoongi. I smile and patted the spot next to me. "Sure."

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