Chapter Nine

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David and Ryan seemed to have formed a bromance while I was in physio. They haven't stopped talking the whole drive to the hospital.

"You guys wait here I'm going to check out," I told them.

I went up to my room, packed my things when my doctor came in and handed me my discharge papers.

"I'll be back for physio," I told the doctor with a smile.

"See you in the morning," he said leaving the room.

I took the elevator down the the main floor and left. Hopefully to never return for as long as I've been in there.

"Hey guys," I said sliding into the backseat again.

"Hey, ready to go?" Ryan said smiling at me in the rearview mirror.

"I've never been more ready," I told him as he put the car in drive.

I opened the door to my apartment for the first time since I got hurt and seen that all of my junk food was still on the counter.

I hurried to put it all away before David saw, that little health nut.

I walked into my room and noticed that they were still in a tangle from the morning after my birthday.

I stripped the sheets with one arm in a short amount of time, I was proud.

I grabbed a fresh set and started to put them on when David and Ryan came to help me.

"Thanks guys," I said flopping down onto my freshly made bed.

"There was no way you could've done that yourself," David said sitting on the end of my bed.

"I could've it just would've taken a very long time," I pointed out.

"True but it took us like two minutes," Ryan said laying beside me.

"Five arms makes light work," I joked getting up. I was still in my uniform since I didn't change after the game, so I grabbed my pajamas and headed off the the bathroom.

I changed out of my pants and cleats but I walked out of the bathroom and held up my shirt for Ryan.

He came over and helped me and then put my sling back on me. But I took it back off.

"I don't have to sleep with it on you know," I told him.

"Well now I know," he said taking the sling from me.

There was a knock at the door and I opened it to Russell and my neighbors.

"Hey guys, come on in," I said.

The three guys piled into my apartment and started playing on my playstation.

"Do you even play Bejeweled?" JD asked.

"Sometimes," I said to him.

I sat on the couch beside Ryan and started flexing my arm. I didn't hurt as much now. It was just my shoulder really.

"Does it hurt," Thole asked watching me flex me arm.

"Not really. It's mostly just my shoulder now," I told him.

"I'm sorry that we made you try for the out of the park hit," he said looking really guilty.

"It's not your fault that when I did it I busted out my shoulder. Don't blame yourself, it was never your fault and never will be," I told him.

He just nodded and turned his attention back to the game JD and David were playing.

Ryan put his arm around my waist, instead of touching my shoulder. I smiled at him and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Little lovebirds," Donaldson called out.

"Awe look at you two," Russell said smirking at me.

I could feel my face getting red and hot.

"Look at her blushing," David added.

"Shut up David," I said hiding my face in Ryan's shoulder.

They all erupted in laughter. I could even hear Ryan laughing.

I waited a few minutes before I looked up at all of them. They were all completely zoned into their game again.

They were playing MLB 16, because Josh was on the cover and how could they resist another game of baseball? Because who loves playing more baseball after a six hour marathon game?


"YAY FOR YOU NOW SHUSH!" I yelled back.

"So she speaks!" He exclaimed.

"Jeez I didn't talk for five minutes, that must be a record for me," I said.

"No remember that time when your friend timed you in ninth grade? How long did you last that time?" David asked.

"One hour and forty two seconds," I said flexing my good arm. "Like come on that is most definitely a world record," I added.

"You went that long without talking!?" Everyone said.

"You bet! But that was like six years ago too," I said scrolling through my Facebook so I could find the post from six years ago.

"I'm going to need some proof," JD said.

"Here's your proof," I said showing him my Facebook post from six years ago.

"Wholly crap it's legit!" Thole yelled.

"Of course it's legit," I told him.

"Oh my god, I can't believe that really happened," Ryan said grabbing my phone from me.

"Well you better believe it because it did," I said taking my phone back.

Russell had fallen asleep on my couch, taking up a large portion of my sectional. I grabbed a blanket and covered him up with it.

Josh Thole started doing off at the end of the couch so I grabbed a blanket and draped it over him too.

"Can I stay too?" Josh asked.

"Yeah sure here's a blanket, and here's one for you too David," I said grabbing two blankets and tossing them to them.

All four guys could lay comfortably on my sectional and I grabbed Ryan's hand and brought him to my room.

"Sleep with me?" I asked laying down.

"Well I'm already here," he said smiling.

"Is that a yes?" I asked.

"You betcha," he told me kissing my cheek.

"You missed."

"What?" He asked confused.

"You missed," I said smiling and quirking an eyebrow at him.

He seemed to catch on and kissed the corner of my mouth.

"Nope. You're close, but you still missed," I teased.

He tried the other corner of my mouth and I shook my head.

He then kissed me right where I wanted him to.

"Did I miss that time?" He asked after we broke apart.

"Nope, you were dead on," I said kissing him again.

He pulled back the covers and I snuggled into him, careful of my shoulder.

He put his hands on my waist and I never thought anything felt so perfect.

A/N: The picture that I posted to this chapter is hilarious! I seen it on instagram after the game yesterday and I had to share it with you guys!

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