Chapter Twenty

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The All-star Game, was the best experience I've had in my career. And I'm sad that the experience is over, but I'm glad I'm going home too. Even if things with Ryan are over.

I still haven't taken the promise ring off. I'm still in denial. I wish that there was something I could say or do to win him back.

I stepped onto the airplane and braced myself for when we landed in Toronto again.

I ended up sitting next to Michael, because I had the aisle seat. Apparently it's annoying when I wake him up to go pee.

I sat with my headphones in and I drifted off to sleep.


"Oh Lucy, if only someone loved you," he said with great revulsion.

I just let his insults sting me. There was no point in trying to stand up for myself.

"If only someone cared about you. Showed you affection, liked you as a friend. Oh Lucy, you wish."

I walked out of the room the tears stinging the back of my eyes. I knew it was so wrong for me to date a player from my team, but I did anyways.

If only I listened to myself. If only I stayed away from him. Maybe I wouldn't be in the mess I'm in right now.


"Lucy, wake up," Michael said shaking my shoulder.

"Where are we?" I said stretching my arms.

"Somewhere in the air, but you're crying," he told me, handing me one of his napkins.

"Oh," I said wiping my eyes. Then I remembered what I was dreaming about. Freaking Ryan. Littering all of my thoughts, day and night.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I tell him. I'm not okay.

"You sure?" He pressed.

"No," I whispered feeling a tear slip down my face.

"Do you wanna switch spots and wake up Josh?" He asked.

I just nodded my head. We switched seats and woke up Josh. He looked pissed until he seen my tear stained face.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm heartbroken. I'm never going to find anyone like him ever again. I'm just going to go home and never get out of bed again," I whimpered.

"Lucy, come on now. That's not the attitude to have. I'm going to tell David to specifically wake you up at eight every morning and keep you busy all day. You cannot succumb to the heartbreak. You are stronger than this. Come one now. Where's my fighter of a best friend?"

"She feels like she's going to faint," I said and then everything went black.


"You just can't seem to stay away can you?" He taunted.

I just looked at him. I couldn't speak.

"Oh, mute are we?" He teased.

He laughed. It sounded so evil.

"Oh Lucy Jayne, what a plain name."

I wanted to rip his throat out.

I wanted to scream something. But nothing would come out.

What is wrong with you! My mind screamed.

Traitor tears threatened to spill from my eyes. Of course Ryan would taunt me.

"Not going to stand up for yourself? I thought you were stronger than this. I guess it's a common woman trait. Weak and emotional."

Then I lunged for him. But he simply stepped to the side and I went crashing into the floor.

Pain screamed at my shoulder and I knew I was screwed.


"She's waking up," Josh whispered to someone.

I opened my eyes the rest of the way and seen Josh and David.

"Lucy you scared the crap out of us," Josh scolded me.

"Sorry, but last time I checked I can't help it when I faint," I deadpanned.

"Sorry, I know. But you still scared us. I didn't know what was going to happen. We were like a half an hour away from Toronto. You freaked everyone out," he rambled.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"An hour maybe a little longer," Josh told me.

I nodded my head.

"Are you feeling okay?" David asked, speaking for the first time since I woke up.

"I feel okay, but I am so totally heartbroken," I said feeling the tears pool in my eyes.

"Awe Luce, it's okay. But we're gonna get through it. I'm making sure of that. I'm waking you up at eight thirty ever single day. And when you're on road trips I'm calling you at eight thirty your time to wake you up," David told me.

"Gosh I don't know what I'd do without you guys," I said as a tear slipped down my face.

Then the doctor walked in and told me that I fainted because I was dehydrated.

I seen David glare at me in my peripheral vision but I ignored it.

The doctor told me to take in lots of fluids and to take it easy. I nodded my head yes and he told me that I could be discharged.

I took off the ridiculous Johnny shirt they put me in and put my sweatpants back on.

David drove me back home and I went straight to my room.

"Lucy Martin, get your butt back out here or I'm calling Russell!" David threatened.

I groaned and walked out to the kitchen and sat at the island.

"Come on, drink this," he said sliding me a huge glass of water.

I chugged it back and he filled it again.

"I'm going to get waterlogged if you keep it up at this rate," I said after I finished the second glass.

"True enough, but you know better than to get dehydrated. Come on Lucy, what's going on," he pressed.

"Ryan broke my heart. So we went out and got drunk. Had a great time. Then I just kind of stopped feeling hungry and thirsty. I did eat and drink, just not as much as my body's used to. I'm sorry. I know it was careless of me," I explained.

"Yeah it was kinda careless, but if you learned your lesson then I don't think I need to take another dig in you," he said sitting down beside me.

"I definitely learned my lesson, but I'm so tired right now. I could go for a nap. Travelling really takes a lot out of you," I said yawning.

"Go rest up, I'll still be here when you wake up," he told me, smiling.

I smiled back and went and layed in my bed. I have never slept so good in my whole life.

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