Hello Little Girl

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The show had just ended and a very tired and sweaty Paul McCartney was ecstatic to be able to just go back to the hotel, take a shower, and sleep in his warm bed. Tonight, it felt like they've been playing for hours! His throat hurt severely, and his hands ached from playing his Hofner bass for so long. He felt like just giving up. The girls screams were so loud that the fans couldn't even hear the music! The boys couldn't even hear themselves playing.

There was no use in even playing live anymore. And this Jelly baby thing was getting out of hand. Paul must have been pelted with at least 2,000 jelly beans in this show alone! He was beginning to question all this touring crap. He'd much rather sit in the recording studio for a few hours and make records. That was his favorite thing to do. He had officially begun to hate touring.


I walked back stage and put my bass away.

"Ye' alright, Macca?" John patted my back.

" 'm fine John. Just a little deaf from all that bloody screamin'! You'd think that someone was killing em!" I closed up my guitar case and carried it with me as I walked towards the door.

"Aren't ye' stayin' around for drinks, mate?" George questioned, looking up from the piece of paper he was writing on.

"Nah, 'm tired. I should be gettin' back to the hotel and going to sleep. Go ahead though, don't worry bout' me." John shook his head and chuckled. "Ye' party pooper!" I laughed softly and walked out, into the cold.

Heading to my car, I heard a slight whimper. I stopped in my tracks and stood next to my car. I heard it again. it sounded like sniffling. Walking around to the other side of my Aston Martin, I saw a little girl, no older than three or four. She looked up at me with big eyes and sniffled again. She was dressed in a dirty dress and her curly blonde hair was in pig tails.

"Ello' little girl. What's the matter, love?" Leaning down I picked her up off the damp grass.

End of POV

She hesitantly allowed Paul to pick her up and wrapped her arms around him, nestling her face in the crook of his neck, for warmth.

"Are you alright, darling?" He asked her in a soft voice.

"Where's yer' mummy?" Paul look around for the little girls mother but didn't seem to see her. The toddler began to cry harder at the mention of her mum.

"Shhh..don't cry love!" He hummed to her and rocked her back and forth, trying to calm the tot down. 'She's freezing!' he thought to himself. Paul took off his coat, draped it over the girls shoulders, and cursed under his breath as he headed back to the door in which led back stage.

I Lost my Little GirlМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя