We Can Work It Out

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I had just picked Julian up from his friends house, when it started to pour rain. I rushed home , and quickly got Julian inside.

"Julian, go into the kitchen and take your wet clothes off before you walk through the house." I lifted him from the car seat and set him down, while he nodded and scampered into the house. I followed him and walked through the house, to make sure John had gotten Annie, after Paul dropped her off. I entered the living room and smiled to myself. John was laying on the couch with Annie sprawled across his stomach. They were both fast asleep.

I didn't want to wake them, but I had to wake John up anyways. We had to get the kids to bed. Annie was obviously tired, and Jules Is exhausted from playing outside at his friends house all day!

"Julian, love. Can you please go get ready for bed?" I smiled down at Julian and he nodded.

"Okay Mummy!" He darted down the hall and into the bathroom to brush his teeth and get changed.

I quietly and gently shook John's arm and he woke up slowly.

"Huh?" John looked up confused and realized Annie was atop of him as he attempted to stand up. "I was watchin' her sleep, and then all of a sudden..I was asleep!" He chuckled and stood up with the blonde girl in his arms.

"We've got to get them up to bed John. They're exhausted. I can tell." I reached up and brushed the hair out of Annie's eyes, kissing her forehead. She moaned and shifted in John's grasp, resting her face in the crook of his neck. I smiled at how gentle my husband could be. Especially with Annie. I wasn't sure if it was because she was a girl, or what. But he was always like that with her.

"Come ead' Jules, love." I patted his back and headed up the stairs behind Julian, and followed by John carrying Annnie. When we finally got them both into the bed, we each gave them kisses and hugs goodnight, and watched them fall asleep from the doorway. John held me around the waist and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Annie's jealous, y'know? And it's not something she's gonna' push away to the back of her mind anytime soon. She was really upset today." I looked up at John confused.

"Of who?" I felt upset for the little girl. It was almost as if she were my own daughter. I basically raised her. Paul did most of it, but a father can't raise a little girl alone. So I was the one he turned to for motherly things. Things like shopping for clothes, making breakfast, baths. So as soon as I heard she was upset, I felt my motherly instincts kick in.

"Jane. She told me all about her theory of Macca lovin' Jane more than he loves Annie. And she says that he always did stuff with her, until Jane came around. It made me feel really bad, y'know? And she was sobbin'!" I felt my heart break into pieces for the little girl that was fast asleep on our sons bed.

She wanted Paul all to herself. Her daddy. I smiled sadly at the thought of it. And the fact that she turned to John and he listened and tried soothing her! It all made my heart ache. She couldn't tell the one person she always told, because he wouldn't listen! I suddenly understood how the child, Who hasn't been away from Paul since he took her in three years ago, felt. She's been the center of his attention, his world. Until now.

"You've got to tell Paul, love. I think he would like to know about this. Being that I don't expect Annie to talk to him anytime soon." I sighed and we headed downstairs to go to bed.

-Paul's POV-

"This is such a wonderful night, Paul!" The redhead giggled to me, as she sipped from her glass of wine. She was twirling the rose I had given her between her fingers and smiling at me while I spoke.

"I know. it's wonderful to be here with you. I'm happy yer' enjoyin' your self!" The waitress had come into the secluded room a few minutes ago to take our orders, and then left after we chose what we wanted for dinner. I had been very interested in what Jane had to say all night long. But honestly, I missed my Annie. I wondered what she was doing at John's house all night. She seemed extremely upset for no reason when I left today. I tried to enjoy myself and not think about why she was upset, but I found myself bringing her into Jane and my conversation.

"So, do you like being a mum?" I rested my chin in the palm of my hand with my elbow propped up on the table as I grinned goofilly at my date. "Joey is one cute baby, I've got to say!" She smiled at my comment and nodded.

"Yes! I love being a mother. It's such a special title to me. I'm Joey's guardian. His mum! He'll never be closer to anyone in life than me, and I have to treat him like it! Sometimes I feel overwhelmed, being single and a mum, and everything. But I love it in general." Our food arrived as she finished listing her duties as a mum. I loved how passionate she was about being a mother. She was absolutely perfect!

"So, do you enjoy being Annie's father? I heard about the adoption! Cyn told me! Congratulations!" I smiled proudly and nodded, taking a drink from my glass.

"I don't know what I would be in life, if it weren't for Annie. She keeps me grounded and down to earth. I feel so special,  being her dad and all. Knowing she looks up to me, is really. cool. I just wish I could do more for her, y'know? Like the things I have Cynthia do. Things like baths and girly stuff. But oh well." I sighed and finished my dinner as my mind drifted away on its own train of thoughts.

I could hear Jane talking in the background, but I wasn't necessarily listening. I was thinking about how great it would be if Annie had a mum. Then.. What am I saying? She doesn't need a mum. She has Cynthia. But it would still be pretty nice I suppose... I nodded as I snapped out of my daydream state and continued to pay attention to my lovely date. She rested her hand on the table while she was talking, and I took the chance to hold her hand. When I did, I could tell she was blushing. I grinned to myself and she finished talking.

After we had both finished our food, we decided to leave. I drove Jane home and walked her to her front door. Our hands were entwined together and he was smiling brightly.

"I had a very nice time tonight, Paul. It was absolutely wonderful. Like something out of a story book." She giggled and I walked her to her door.

"All storybooks have happy endings, yeah?" I slowly leaned towards Jane and planted a soft kiss on her lips. She kissed back, unsurely at first, But gaining confidence as we continued. I slowly broke away and smiled at Jane, handing her the rose I gave her at dinner.

"Good night Jane." I kissed her on the cheek and headed down the steps that lead to her house.

"Good night, Paul. Thank you!" She giggled and wiggled her fingers at me. I waved in return and got into my car, driving to John's house in the darkness of night.


    Sorry about the cheesy ending.. :/ I wanted to get it up as quickly as possible.

What do you think will happen between Jane and Paul?

What about Annie and Paul?

Or Annie and Jane? I dunno..

But I was thinking about taking a break from the story until I got some feedback. Don't get me wrong, I'm not being selfish. I just feel like writing this is a waste if no one enjoys it. And I'm not sure anyone does!

Okay. Bye :)


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