16 b Moment You Left

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Fiona woke up on the last day of their holiday. The winter sun was streaming in through the curtains. She stretched out to find David and found the bed empty. She discovered a note on the pillow next to her.

When you get this, get dressed and meet me in the kitchen, big breakfast, big surprise, dress warm D x

She leapt out of bed and quickly dressed, not wanting to miss a minute of the day. The last fortnight was the best time in her life and she did not want to waste a moment of today. Tomorrow would be here soon enough. They had both packed their bags and placed them in the next room. As though their presence would break the spell of the romantic bubble they had lived in for the last fortnight.

Fiona complied with the letter. She dressed warm and then ran down the stairs shouting, "David Williams, I want you right now! Where the fuck are you?"

She bounded into the kitchen to see two women sat looking at her and David making coffee looking sheepish. The woman nearest to her, she made an educated guess to be David's Aunt Eileen, dressed in casually in jeans and a jumper, she got up and gave Fiona a hug.

"I am Eileen, I have heard so much about you." she kept hugging Fiona as though if she let her go she might run away. Eileen was exactly as David had described her. Bubbly and full of love.

Fiona looked at David and to the other woman. David mouthed. "My mother" to her. David's mother was petite, dark blonde like her son with huge green eyes and a wide smile. Her presence was the biggest shock of all. David had told Fiona that his mother had made arrangements to pick him up at the airport.

"I am Laura, David's Mom." Laura extended her hand to Fiona. Eileen let Fiona go and Laura pulled her into yet another warm embrace. Fiona was not used to public displays of affection, however, she felt herself enjoy the introduction. "I am so sorry to intrude, we have spoken a lot on the phone haven't we?" Laura grinned at Fiona. Fiona was exactly as David described. A lovely girl that made her son very happy.

Fiona desperately tried to regain her composure. "Yes, yes we have.How is the dog?" Fiona and Laura had bonded over the phone when David stopped calling his mother after moving in with Suzie. Fiona would make small talk with Laura whilst jotting down all the information she had to relay to David when he came back for his things.

"Oh better, it was an allergy to beef can you believe?" Laura hugged Fiona and deposited her at her kitchen table.

"David, stop gawping and get the girl some breakfast." Eileen mock scolded, David. "I hear you are going to Abersoch today to the beach house."

"Eileen!" Laura chided, "It's a surprise!" Laura shook her head and laughed.

"Oh me and my mouth!" Eileen gasped,"Well it means you are out whilst me and his mum set out your...." Laura placed her hand over Eileen's mouth.

"I am afraid that Eileen is incapable of keeping any kind of secret." Laura laughed and gave Eileen a warning glare.

David stood shaking his head in amusement. "Honey here is coffee and a pain au chocolat." David smiled at Fiona, "My mother came over to help me back to Boston, egged on no doubt by the calls from Eileen, so really she is here to see you, not help me!" he grinned.

"David Eustace Williams, enough! I am here on important family business and to help you back to Boston." Laura slapped David gently on the arm.

Fiona ate her pastry and drank her coffee watching David's interplay with his family. He was different with them. Almost boyish, it was a vulnerable side to him that he had never let her see before.

Eventually, after a hearty breakfast and two more coffees, they were ready to leave. David waved off his family and took Fiona's hand as they walked to the car.

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