Harry's Visit

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Bella's P.O.V.

I sighed in relief as I shut the door to our room behind me. I heard the familiar pop of Sirius' transformation and then the endless rant that proceeded.

"How could anyone believe that? Me? Support Voldemort? They must be insane!"

"Sirius, calm down! You-" But he continued as if I hadn't opened my mouth.

"Can you believe it?"

"No." I said bored.

"And did they not see Harry sitting right there? What will he think of me?"

"I don't know,Sirius. Please-"

"I mean, I knew it was going to be bad, but now this? At first I knew I had to prepare myself for I'm thinking I'm a murderer and know what's he going to think?"

"I don't know, but we'll get to that when it comes." But by now, I felt more like I was talking to a brick wall, an annoying one. Sirius continued to pace and rant, pace and rant, pace and rant, rant and pace, and so forth. Until I'd had enough of it. It had been three hours and he was still talking. I had to do something. So I rose my hand and shot out a binding spell. Snake-like jet-black wires slithered around my feet and towards Sirius, They stopped over his mouth.

"Sirius! Please! Shut up!" I said in exasperation, sitting down on the bed.

"Listen to me! This is what you're going to do. You are going to get Wormtail, prove your innocent, and then the rest will follow easily. Okay?" He nodded, as he couldn't do much else to respond.

"Now, if I let you go, will you stop talking?" He nodded again and I let the bonding spell go.

Just as the black wires disappeared, There was a knock at the door. I walked to it as I heard Sirius change back into a dog. 

I opened the door and stared out into the hallway. But no one was there. That was weird.

Then, suddenly, three heads appeared out of nowhere. I gasped and my hand flew to my chest. 

It was Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Right, I forgot about the cloak. Wait! What are you three doing here? You should be in school!" I said sternly.

"You're my sister!" Harry said forcefully.

Oh, Dumbledore was not going to like me much after this.

I sighed, stepping out of the doorframe. "You three better come in."

They took off the cloak and stepped inside the room. "Sit, can I get you anything?"

"Tea would be nice." Hermione said, shivering. Now that I looked at them, they were all shivering.

"Oh my! Here, here. Warm up." I said conjuring warm blankets for the three of them. They each gripped them thankfully. I handed Hermione her tea and I sat down on my bed once more. Sirius hopped onto the bed as well, placing his head on my knee, which I began to absentmindedly pet. 

"That's the dog I've been seeing all over the place!" Harry said excitedly.

I laughed. "Have you now?"

"Yeah, loads of times."

I smiled. "He's a good dog. He'd be better if he'd shut up from time to time."

I smirked and Sirius nipped, playfully, at my hand.

Precious had found her way onto Hermione's lap and had fallen asleep.

"Do you have a cat?" I asked her. She nodded.

"That explains why she likes you so much." I sighed. "Let's cut to the chase. Harry, yes, I am your sister."

"Then why have I never heard of you or seen you before?"

I smiled sadly. "That would be Dumbledore's doing. He thought it best that I didn't hover over you. He wanted to keep you from the magical world until he thought you were ready. I didn't listen, of course. I hovered making sure you were happy. Well as happy as you can be with that hell of a family. Hey, did you really blow up Marge?"

Harry nodded.

"So cool. Anyway, I was the one who grew back your hair when Aunt Petunia cut it off. I think you look much better with it. It contrasts with your eyes perfectly. Did you know that you have-"

"Mom's eyes?"

I laughed. "No, but I guess that would be the first thing people notice. I was going to say that you have Dad's hair. Well, you have Dad's everything, except the eyes. I got the flip side of it though, I look like Mom, save the eyes." I smiled lightly and continued. "I did send you presents though. Birthday and Christmas presents. Did you ever get those?" 

He shook his head.

"Well I know you got my current ones. I sent Hagrid to you on your eleventh birthday, remember that? And I gave Hagrid the owl to give to you. What did you name it by the way?"

"Hedwig." He said smiling hugely.

"Good name. Any ways, I sent you Dad's invisibility cloak that Christmas. I sent you a book on Quidditch for you twelve Birthday but I guess you didn't get that. And I sent you a box of candy that Christmas. And I'm very sorry I didn't get you a birthday present this year but I was very busy. Oh! I almost forgot! I gave Hagrid the photo album of Mom and Dad to give to you. Of course, after I took myself out of all the pictures. I'll be sure to fix that for you, I promise."

We talked for a bit until Hermione yawned and I forced them out along with the warmed blanket. "I don't even want to know how you guys managed to sneak out here but you need to go. Don't come back, right to me, and I'll go there. Got it?"

They nodded, slid on the cloak and disappeared. I sighed and shut the door behind me, slouching onto the floor. It had been a stressful day, but at least I now had Harry.

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