chapter 4

87 7 4

Riley pov

Yes I made it to class on time without anymore interruptions. I quickly sat down in my seat ay the back all alone yay (note the sarcasm). It has its pros:

1 table to myself

2 teacher can't see you

3 place to put my bag instead of the floor

4 I can go on my phone without teacher noticing

As I start to get my things out of my bag I realize that everyone else is still talking to their friends. This is one of the reasons why I hate school I DON'T HAVE FRIENDS . It really irritates me, you see I have anger issues the smallest things can really start me up like this. most people don't know this as they don't actually acknowledged me to start me up. I'm not of the nerds, geeks, or popular to be noticed or given an award to. It's great at times for example when you have chocolate, sweets or chewing gum it lasts longer.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize the teacher had started talking. The only reason I pay attention in this class is because the teacher is weird and has a funny name, like who would like to be called Mr tokarz what person would do that.

Whoop whoop class just finished last lesson has finished yes time to go home to my baes my bed, laptop and chocolate. i know right I'm such a typical girl.

As soon as I got out of the classroom people were heading for the school gates while talking and walking at the same time going off to do whatever they do after school.

When I get home I say hi to my mother then rush up to my room stripping into my pj's and I'm off to my baes. This is how I spent the rest of my time.

Tyler pov

Today has to be one of the best days ever because

1 I talked to Riley

2 I didn't get a detention

3 it's Friday

It's Saturday tomorrow yes i can sleep in ryder can come we can get high together to wash away the weeks depressions which I doubt I need. Your probably wondering wtf aren't they in a gang don't the do gang shit. Well were not part of a gang. For baby's were quite toned down we don't street fight, dance or race this is because we don't need to get in pointless troubles. Now your wondering what de heck how do they get high well I have a secret weed garden I the back of my garden only we know about.

I woke up excited because I had a full nights sleep, every one has to love that feeling. I slipped on some trousers and went down stairs to see a not on the counter

Dear tyler
Me and your father
Had to go out to
Work please can you go grocery shopping as the cupboards are bare I put extra money on your credit card

Thanks mom

Riley pov

"Lately you say he be killin the vibe gotta be sick of this guy pull up skirt get in the"

I chucked my alarm clock across the room. I grab my phone off my side table to check my social media I may not have friends but as a latina I have a lot of cousins. For instance one of my aunts have 14 kids, the good thing is we're all pretty close.

After I get out of my long needed shower I quickly change into something comfortable. I go down to eat breakfast but find nothing I fancy everyone has them type of days where the fridge and cupboards are full but u fancy nothing inside there. so I decided to got Starbucks.

I quickly put on a hoodie and some ugg boots. Not bothering to change from my sponge bob shorts as it's was just 5 minutes away.

Tyler pov

I have just finished grocery shopping when I felt hungry so I decided to go Starbucks. I quickly dropped the shopping at home and hurried to Starbucks. I didn't need to put the things away as it was only 5 minutes away .

I was opening the door to Starbucks when I walked into someone and I'm guessing their iced mocha went all over my leather jacket. I was about to snap when I realized who it was


Sorry guys I haven't updated in so long it's that I have been occupied with school and other stuff but schools closing for summer so I will have more time to update

Don't hate ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌👅👅👅👅👅👅

The Nerds Nerdy Badboy (#wattys2017 )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon