chapter 17

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damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn well hello people if your still reading you have patience my friend. I know you must be thinking where on gods earth has this stupid ass girl been well ima tell you have patience kids for real tho jokes aside.

so if you live in the UK like me you will know that we finish school at the age of 16 after taking these really important exams called gcses its basically like finals and they basically determine your future and all that blah de blah shit to be honest. sooooooo i just finished taking them and have to wait till the end of august to get them back the whole country gets there results on the same day and have to enrol in a either a college or sixth form. not uni, college. now back to the book so i am now back and i will try to update a lot more from now on as i have a really long summer now and plus i am trying to find a job cuz your girl is forever broke.


a little bit from the last chapter ;)

Tyler pov

I really did not want to go to school today but Ryder said he had something important to tell me that he could mot say off the phone but can wake me up at three am to tell me that he had something important to tell me, when I get my hands on that dick I will kick his non existent arse.

I got up and went starlight to the shower because your boy can not smell I have ladies to impress. theirs one right next door that needs the most impressing though or other wise I just failed high school all together for not getting the hottest girl in school if you know what I mean.


I get to school looking for this man whore but obviously I can not find him because he's like sonic always running around like he has ants in his pants. maybe that why he can not keep his dick in his pants. let me just message him because I cam to school just for him

hey man where ar-BOOMMM!

I turn to my right to see Rylie just walk in to a locker what the actual flying fuck she done it so perfectly but so accidently. I am just gonna pack my bags and leave why can I not fall that perfectly. like damn why is she sooooo damn perfect

"did you actually just walk into the locker" I just had to ask okay people I did not know what else to say okay please forgive me I'm only human

"Yes and what you gone do about it........... that's what i thought Silence you son of an eggplant" feisty fire me likey

"Ouuuu is that the best you got huh"

"Obviously not"

"Okay let me see what you got princess"

"Firstly do not call me princess I am a queen when I want ideas for a new name I would rattle your cage" okay my beloved queen you was always a queen in my eyes broo get outa your feelings

"I need to my sunglasses your shade is blinding me ...............not" but your beauty is

"Egghhh do not talk to me, I need to get to class so do you"

"Obviously you do as you never use your brain its brand new" not true but I had to have a come back sorry. man I should have said it to her instead now she might be pissed at me.

well I should head to class since I can not seem to find that bitch I swear when I find  him he is catching these knuckles.


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