Cracking Zeenath

57 4 3

Title - Cracking Zeenath

Author - @OctoberFlower24

Genre - General Fiction

Time for ratings...

Title - Well... Your title speaks for the whole story but in other words crack means to break or something like that ( just joking ) ;-) So I give 4/5

Plot - The plot of your story is very interesting and real life type but at the same time cinfusing too. So I give 3/5

Cover - You have added the main thing to the cover and that is what I liked. As Zeenath writes daily and you have also shown someine writing so it matches. So I give 4.5/5

Now about the story...

Your story was quite interesting. I liked the idea as it is a main problem nowadays to make friends. Zeenath was missing her friends and that you showed in the story and it was quite visible that Evelyn had died and was buried from the first letter to Evelyn.

I found that confusing that she remembers the talk between her and Evelyn of the stars coz I am 13 and I still don't remember anything about when I was 3 or 4. So maybe yoy should change the age to 5 or 6 or as your choice. I found very little spelling mistakes so fix them.

Paragraphs were too long and you should also write what she feels about Clara's friends. I was confused between nicknames as what was kept for whom. Also you should make the reader remember the second or third time when a new charachter enters coz readers may be focused on the story and forget the charachter.

Overall Story rating - 3/5

Reviewer - @Passionofwriting

Try to Improve and Always Keep Writing !

Byeeee !

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